29. An Angry Vaigha

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Recap: Vaibhav - Vaigha Conversation

It was a busy morning for the family. Because it's their parents wedding anniversary day after tomorrow. Every year they celebrate it. But no one outside the family can attend it. It's just Vaibhav and his siblings,their Uncle and Aunty. A small get together with a party.

Vaigha and Anjali were preparing the list of things to buy for the small grand party. Sanjana and Krithika were playing chess while the twins are busy with planning.  Vaibhav was not present since he was in office.

Vaigha was amazed seeing their happiness in preparing for the wedding anniversary. She had a lot to ask. But she didn't as she dont want to make them feel sad.

"Anu... what are you thinking about?" Anjali asked seeing Vaigha's face.
"Nothing..."she managed to say that much.
"Hey come on Anu..you are a part of our family now. Why are you hesitating? You can ask us anything you want.."Anjali encouraged her.
"I have a doubt that...I don't know whether I can ask it.."she paused.
"Definitely you can.. even if I get angry hearing it, I wont scold or react.."Anjali assured.
"How can you celebrate your parents wedding anniversary when they both are not alive? And you all seems like very happy.."she asked it finally.

Anjali laughed hearing it.
"Was this your doubt? You should have ask it before Anu.."Anjali said.
Vaigha smiled.

"Even if our parents are not alive, no one can deny the fact that they are the reason why we all are together. It's them who gave us a life. Their wedding was the only reason we got each other as brother and sister...then whats the problem in celebrating it? They will be only happy seeing all this..and it is only just us..we don't used to invite people on this day." Anjali stated.

Vaigha smiled hearing her words.
"And it's not just a celebration for us..more than that we are enjoying being together. There are some specialty too for this day. A day which is very special for us... once in a year we gets this..."It was Krithika who said.

"That sounds nice.. what's that?" Vaigha asked.
"Firstly this is a day when we all can ask anything from our sister or brother.. without any confusion or hesitation..."Amar said.
Vaigha felt it as interesting.
"If I want something from Arjun, I can ask it on this special day and if possible Arjun have to fulfill my wish anyway. Likewise anyone can ask their wish to their any sibling either secretly or infront of everyone."Amar added.

"Wow...you people are so cute..."she exclaimed.
"Wait...it didn't end..... similarly it's a day for forgiveness too for us.."Arjun spoke.
"Forgiveness??"she was confused

"Yeah a day of confession..."Arjun said.
"If we did any mistake, we can confess it on this day without any fear. Whatever it is, we will forgive it for our parents..."Anjali said and Vaigha suddenly strikes something. She remembered how Vaibhav waiting for this day.

Vaigha clapped loudly.
"You guys are the most amazing siblings of this world. You are very lucky people. I am glad to be here..."she said happily.

"This is all for our parents who are not with us now. They always wanted us to be together without any quarrels and misunderstandings. It was their only wish...we are fulfilling it for them and we know they will be happy on another world seeing all this.."Arjun became emotional.

"We believe that our parents are here watching us. We are living for them in the way they wished..thats all.."Amar said.

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