11. Anuradha!!!

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Recap: Vaigha going to Vaibhav's house - party - meeting his siblings - Kishore.

Vaigha's PoV
I made a list of items to be needed and took out the plastic bag from kitchen. I took out my purse and went to hall only to see Aunty still sitting at the sofa sadly.

"What's this aunty? Did you forget that we have to go market to purchase the vegetables and other items?"I asked and aunty sat without replying.

I sighed. It's been many days she is continuing this drama. It's only because her son didn't come to his home after that party and didn't stay with his parents. From that day Nandini aunty is down. No one can blame her since she is a mother and definitely wants to spend sometime with her son. What kind of man he is? After all they are his parents and why he is behaving so rude to them? Only parent less kids know the real value of a mother and father. Vaibhav, me and uncle tried our best to make her cheerful. But she is not affected. I felt bad for her many times. How much she is loving her son and what she is getting in return?

I moved towards her and sat on my knee facing her. I slowly took her hands in mine.

"Aunty he will return back one day.. believe me.."I said.
"No Vaigha..he won't..he is not loving us...he forgot us completely." She said looking at me.

Tears are ready in her eyes to jump down any moment.

"If you continue thinking about him and cries like this, will he see this sitting in Banglore? You will fall sick aunty...Pls stop this.. atleast he is fine there..."I said.
"I know..he is not feeling the way we feel for him...he is not caring for us..I will be fine soon... Don't worry..."she said making me relieved.
"Ok you take rest...I will go for purchase and come back..you dont need to come with me in this state." I said and she was shocked.

"You alone?..no..you are not allowed to go outside alone.. Vaibhav and your Uncle will kill me..wait ..I will come with you..."she said.
"It's ok aunty..I am used to this place now...let me go alone pls..."I requested.
"Ok...but go with the driver..."she said and I nodded.

I kissed her cheek and waved her bye before starting travel with the driver.
Author's PoV
She was searching all shops in the market and bargaining with each shopkeeper. She didnt miss any single shop there and couldn't satisfy her needs.

"Maam can we go? It's already late...I will buy vegetables for you..."the driver asked who was accompanying her impatiently.

"Arey you don't know these people's tricks. They will betray us by selling bad vegetables..We should confirm that they are fresh before buying it..you don't know anything Ramu.. don't worry I will teach you.."she said and the driver gave her a disbelief look.

"But you didn't buy anything till now..why cant we go to some hypermarket?"he asked
"Ramu ..you go and have a tea..I will be back before you finish your tea..."she said handing over some money to him.

The driver became happy as he got money and sometime for refreshment. He walked away thanking her.

"Make sure the glasses are well cleaned before drinking your tea.."she shouted from back and he chuckled.

She again continued her purchasing. It's been one hour she started her searching and her basket is still empty. She decided to check the shops at the other side of the road. Sunlight was falling on her face since it's noon. She couldn't see anything because of the light and while crossing the road she heard a car horn. She looked at the side where sound was coming from. She didn't understand what it is and blinked her eyes. Next moment something dashed on her and she was soon on road with her head bleeding.
Vaibhav's PoV
I got tensed and started driving the car fastly. It was at the middle of a meeting I got a call from Amar. His voice was shivering and I confirmed something had happened that is going to scare me. I asked him many times wht happened exactly. But he didn't reply and only informed me to come home asap. I didn't think for a moment and cancelled the meeting. I rushed to the car.

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