12. With Her New Family

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Recap: Vaigha's accident- At his home- Memory loss drama- New name.

Vaigha's PoV: At Night
My head is really paining and I couldn't rest. So I moved towards the balcony to enjoy some fresh air. I looked at the table where his sisters kept all necessary things for me including food, water and dresses. I really felt guilty for lying to them that I forgot everything. They are really caring and good people.

What will happen when they know the truth? I don't have the strength to imagine it. Why God is making everything difficult for me? Firstly I had to live as an orphan when I had everything. It's a life I chosen. So I have no regrets. But now..I am living in my husband's house as a complete stranger. With no identity..with a name they chose for me. The worst part is I should fear everyone for talking with my husband too. I should be careful with each word I am using. What life is this? I was happy during my stay at uncle's place. Atleast they were there for my support. But now I felt lonely.

Suddenly I head the knob of the door turning. I was shocked seeing Vaibhav entering with pin drop silence. He looked at the surroundings to check whether anyone seeing him. And then he closed the door behind him with a smile on his lips. He came towards me.

"How are you now?" He asked slowly touching my wound with concern.
"It's fine.."I said in a low tone.
"What happened?"he asked understanding my worry.
"Dont you know? Vaibhav..I can't stay here like this.. How many days I can live here pretending this drama? What if they find the truth?? I am sure they won't forgive us for betraying them..Let me go back to uncle's place or the orphanage..Pls.."I begged.

"Vaigha..do you think that I would send you back to that orphanage? Why should you live an orphan life when you have a family? You are not going anywhere..see this is your family.. don't say that you can't live at your husband's home."he said.

"I am happy to live with you and our family...but not like this..I am now living a life which is full of lies. I can't continue like this Vaibhav..Pls understand me.."I tried to make him understand.

"Everything becomes normal within a few days. Just trust me..I will manage it..it's our life Vaigha..why can't you understand that I want my wife with me?"he said and I smiled.
"I trust you..I am ready to wait for you."I assured and he smiled at me.
"Thank you..I won't break your trust.."he said.

We became silent for a few minutes.
"So.. did you like our home?"he asked
"No..I don't like.."I said and he was shocked.
"But I love it..I really loving your family.."I said and he was relieved.
"I became a fan of yours seeing the respect and love your siblings having for you..."I made some funny expressions and he laughed.

"Vaigha....you are..."I stopped him.
"Not Vaigha.. Anuradha.. Thats my new name..."I corrected him.
He became silent but smiled at me. I can see the pain he is hiding behind that smile.
"Who is Anuradha?"I asked him.
"Do you wanna know?" He asked.
"Don't say that it's your girlfriend..."I pouted.

"Possessive for me ah?" He smirked.
"Not at all.."I turned my face away.

Am I really possessive?

"It's my mom Vaigha.."he said with a sad expression.

I was shocked.
"Why did your sisters give me your mother's name?"I asked confusingly.
"You Know what.. Sanjana is really sensitive..she was a mom's girl. Mom's death has shocked her more than anyone else..it actually destroyed her mind. She started trying to find her mom in everyone she meets. May be she finally found her mom in you."He said and I felt really happy. I remembered how she was looking at me after I came here.

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