27. Getting Intimate!!!

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Warning:⚠ Contains Mature Content.

Recap: Vaibhav trying to pacify her - Vaigha tensed - sharing doubts about Kishore to Vaibhav.

Vaigha couldn't handle it alone anymore. She was wandering in her room, scratching her head and taking water frequently. She was lost. Her hairs are flying in hair and face was pale. Her dress is all messed up and she is not caring about anything. She wanted to shout to the entire world that Vaibhav is her husband. But she has been seen helpless and lifeless. She lost her voice too.

It all started when Anjali broke the secret news in her ears at morning.

"Dont tell to anyone else...we are planning to conduct engagement of Bhai and Nandana soon..."Anjali said breaking Vaigha's heart.

His siblings were happy. Because their brother is getting married soon with a girl they likes. But no one could realize the pain they are giving to another heart who loves them all. She was unable to handle the news about her husband's engagement which he is not aware. She wanted to inform him. But as always he was busy. Atlast she had to bear all the pain alone. She tried to call his uncle and aunty too. But they were busy in shopping with their son. She slowly realized that she is alone now. Atleast till her husband comes.

She showed her anger on the pillows, bed sheet, and everything that comes her way. But the lifeless things couldn't console her back. Her heart ached, mind dead...but she have confidence that he will be with her whatever gonna happen. She held her wedding chain in her fingers and kissed it. She didnt cry...but her heart was asking her to cry to reduce the pain she is suffering.

She walked along all rooms in the house. She is not sure how many more days this house will provide her shelter. How many more days she can call this as her home too.

She saw the things his brothers are using... Which gave her unforgettable memories of her brother- sister moments with Amar and Arjun. She is relieved from the pain her brother gave her after meeting Amar and Arjun. She used to thank God for sending two responsible and loving brothers to her. It was the days when she realized what a real brother is. She knows that there is no need to born from same mother to get a brotherly hug. To feel secure as a sister. But nothing could experience from the man she thought as her brother even though he is not her blood. But she got more than she wanted from her twin bros. Sometimes they call her as their princess to make her happy which made Anjali and Krithika always jeolous. She used to enjoy all those moments. It was only at her, Amar used to not shout. She had a special place in all the hearts living here.

She thought about Krithika..she is the most naughty sibling for her. Initially Krithika didn't like her and used to taunt her with words and actions. Later she get to know about the loving nature Krithika hiding behind her naughty side. They always fight for silly things. But at the end, it was always Krithika who first ask her to smile and sort out things between them. She was a spoilt girl. But Vaigha loves her a lot. She remembered how her twin bros beated a guy who commented badly about her during their shopping. At that time Krithika also joined them and punched his stomach. Atlast they made him say sorry to her. She hugged them that day and cried happily. Even Vaibhav was too happy hearing it.

She went to kitchen where she shared a lot of moments with Anjali. Anjali is not like others. She is bold, serious and always think well before doing anything. She is matured and her maturity is an headache for others. She used to scold and advice her siblings which they hates. Anjali always behave nice with Vaigha. She used to console her and even promised her to find her family. They are more like friends. They won't leave anything in this world undiscussed while cooking together.

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