Bonus Chapter 1

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It was a long and busy day for Vaibhav. A series of meetings followed by long discussions regarding various project design approvals and in middle of all this he is anxious about his baby Riyansh, who is just 11 months old now. Yesterday Riyansh was not well and he had to bring him into hospital. Doctor prescribed some medicines and Vaibhav and Vaigha brought him back to the home. He wanted to spend the entire day with his sick baby and make sure that he is fine. But this business...

In between all his meetings he had to call Vaigha many times to ensure that his son is ok. He is grateful to his wife because she won't let anyone in their home feel his absence whether it is in the role of a mother or sister or bhabhi or best friend. He is forever thankful to her for this. From the moment onwards Riyansh has been discharged from hospital, it was her who is taking care of him. Sometimes he feel himself as a failure in the role of a father. Because he always have to leave for his important meetings whenever his son needs him the most. And then a hand will get placed on his shoulder ensuring that he is the best husband and best father on this world. He can only smile for her small gestures to make him feel better.

"Sir are you leaving?" His manager suddenly appeared infront of him with a set of files. He frowned.

"Yes. I need to go back home as early as possible. Now keep the files with yourself. Whatever it is today's job has done."he got out from his cabin before his manager can stop him saying about some other emergencies.

"But Sir, Mr.Mehtha has called me from Delhi. He said that it's important and urgently inform you to call him back today itself"

Vaibhav stopped at his place.
"Can't you understand what I said? My son have fever and I couldn't sit with him even for a minute after he got discharged from hospital."

Manager couldn't force him more and he lowered his head facing the floor.

"Ok just do what I say. Call Mr.Mehtha and connect the call to Kishore. He will deal it." Vaibhav instructed and his manager nodded.

Without waiting for more Vaibhav walked towards the lift and entered into it. He felt empty looking at the mirror inside the lift.

Amar and Kishore is a great help for him. When he can't manage everything alone along with his family matters, either Amar or Kishore will rush towards him with their help. He is blessed to have such an understanding family. He smiled while entering outside the lift and walked towards the car. Starting the car he had only one face in his mind, his son's.

He slowly opened the door of his room and the sight on bed sent peace to his heart. Vaigha is sleeping on bed with her hands wrapped around their baby boy. Riyansh is laying with his eyes opened not to disturb his tired mamma just like how Vaibhav used to lay. He could see himself in his little version. He walked towards the bed without making noise and looked at his baby who is now smiling. He suddenly realized that how much his son is missing him too. His eyes watered and he slowly touched his son's fragile body. Making him relax temperature have already reduced. Riyansh was about to make some sound when Vaibhav gestured him to not talk by placing his finger on his lips. Riyansh like an obedient kid stopped what he was going to do.

Vaibhav slowly removed his wife's protective arms across his son and took him into his arms while moving towards the balcony.

"Riyan, my dear baby don't make noise. Let your mamma sleep for a while. She is really tired. Poor mamma. Isn't my baby also feeling that?"he asked raising his baby in air and kissed his forehead.

Little Riyan was enjoying his Pappa's presence and pampers. He giggled and made baby sounds when Vaibhav tickled him. It seems like he was also waiting to be pampered by his father.

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