8. Destined To Be Together

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Recap: Vaigha meeting Vaibhav - their decision to separate - Taking back wedding chain!!!

Vaibhav's PoV
I can't believe what is happening with my life...Is this what I wished for?? If it was to separate like this, then why did you unite us God? Why did you bring her in my life??? Was it just your fun???

I looked at the wedding chain that I took back from her..why Vaigha? Why didn't you stop me? When I made you wear it, you didn't protest.. and same when I removed it too...why did you leave me?

How can you marry another one when your husband is alive here? You are my wife and removing this chain from your body doesn't mean that I am not your husband..Will you be happy with someone else..?? Seriously..do you think I will allow you for that?? No.. no way...You are not going anywhere from my life..you are my wife and I have the same responsibility towards you as that of my brothers and sisters..I won't leave you..I am coming...!!!

Vaigha's PoV
I am sorry Vaibhav..I have no other way..I wanted to spend my whole life with you...but fate had another choice..We are not meant for each other. I know how much your siblings meant for you..if they are hurted, it will destroy you..I don't want to be a barrier between you and your siblings..I can't see your tears. You deserves an happy and peaceful life...God united us once and now he decided to separate us too..I don't know why I get attached to you within this small gap..But I swear, there won't be another man in my life..I will be always your wife till my last breathe.. wherever you are, I will pray for you..But I won't come infront of you.. You will be always in my heart even if you are not with me..Thank you Vaibhav for giving me a reason to live..I have no other expectation from this marriage..I will be happy when you move on with your life..I will see your smile from a distance and it's enough for me..I will be always your wife Vaibhav..
Vaigha entered into the house and saw Nandini and SathyaPratap waiting for her with a worried face. She smiled at them hiding all her sorrows.

"Vaigha...did you see him? What happened?" SathyaPratap asked.
"Everything is ok uncle...we solved all problems.."Vaigha replied.

SathyaPratap and Nandini sighed in relief. Vaigha couldn't hold her tears back and immediately left to her room. She quickly opened the wardrobe and took her all things out. She opened her bag and packed everything in it. She was crying and nothing can stop her now. She took the bag and went to hall only to give a big shock to her uncle and aunty.

"Where are you going?" Uncle asked coming to her.
"I am going back to the orphanage uncle... Pls don't stop me.."she said.
"Why?? What happened between you both?" Aunty asked holding her shoulders.
"I am sorry..I can't live here now..Pls forgive me..."she said crying.
"Vaigha..are you insane? Vaibhav is not in a good state now..if he have said something, that must be out of anger...not intentionally...going from here is not a solution for it.." uncle shouted.

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