28. Love Fever!!!

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Recap: Vaibhav shouting at Anjali - Vaibhav getting fever - making love with Vaigha.

Vaibhav's PoV
I woke up hearing the alarm ringing. Damn it... why can't this alarm give us some privacy? I opened my eyes thinking about the sweet memories of our last night. Surprising me I didn't find Vaigha on bed.

Where is she? When did she go? Oh.. Did I sleep too much? And why didn't I know when she got up from bed?

I feel better now. I have completely recovered from the body pain and fever also gone. I found my clothes on the floor and wore it with a smile. I went to washroom and did my morning activities.

I was descending down the stairs when someone hugged me from behind.
"Are you ok bhai now?" It was Arjun with his concerned face.
"Arey dont cry now..I am perfectly fine.. can't you see how healthy I am looking??" I said chuckling.

"Yeah...we saw this healthy man yesterday in bed cannot moving his body." I saw Anjali and Krithika stepping out of their room.

"Seems like you all are waking up now only.."I said seeing their sleepy face.
"Yes bhai...we slept a lot I think...."Krithika said.
"But it's because we couldn't sleep properly day before last night..."Anjali said.

Where is my wife? She was there with me last night and now I can't find her anywhere. Where did she vanish?

"Where are the others?"I asked with a hope that I will get to know where she is.

"I am here bhai..."Amar hugged me jumping from somewhere which I failed to notice.

This boys are sometimes more worse than my sensitive sisters. I patted his back and made him stand straight.

"I mean.. someone is still missing... where is she?" I asked again.
"Sanjana is still sleeping bhai...she is really tired..so we didn't wake her up.."It's Krithika who said.

Good!!!! You deserve it Vaibhav.. this would happen if you sleep too much so that you can't figure out the time when your wife leaves the bed.

"Coffee..."we turned to see Vaigha standing with a tray of coffee cups with her gorgeous smile. Oh god.. that smile...!!!

"When did you wake up Anu? We didn't realize.."Anjali said while stepping down the stairs.

Yeah..my wife have such a power..no one will know when she enters or leaves a room..even the person sleeping just beside her too.

We went down and took a cup of coffee made by her hands. I smiled naughtily when she looked at me.

"How are you now Vaibhav?" She asked me formally.
I rolled my eyes at her funnily.
Doesn't she know that I am ok now? Yesterday I showed it to her.
"Yeah..Fine.."I said winking.

"Here is the newspaper..."Krithika gave me the newspaper.

I was about to read it when I heard someone sneezing. I looked up to see Vaigha sneezing continuously.

"Oh god.. how did Bhai's illness infected to our poor Anuradha? That too without touching us.." Arjun asked his question which had some point. Idiot..can't he shut his mouth? I looked at Vaigha who was sweating.

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