18. Vaighaholic!!!

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Recap: His Confession - their moments.

Vaigha couldn't sleep for a minute. It was early morning when he finally left her. The whole night they talked with each other. She pretended as sleeping on the bed beside his sisters.

She couldn't control her happiness as he finally expressed his feelings for her. She was giggling all the time. Condition was not different for Vaibhav too. He also couldn't sleep. A Confession had the strength to rebuild their lost dreams. It was only a few hours ago when their dreams shattered. But his love could make her alive. Her love could make him strong to fight for her. It was a second life for both of them.
Vaigha was playing chess with Amar. It was the fourth time she is losing infront of none other than Einstein.
"Hey this is foul..."Amar shouted catching her red hand.
"No..no..I am playing right...it's because you don't know to play chess.."she tried her every way for defense.
"You are the one who don't know to play chess...never seen such a foul player in my life."he said.
"You are the real loser.."she said gritting her teeth.

"Amar...are you going to office today?" Anjali said while climbing down the steps.
"Yes..will be ready within a few minutes" Amar said.
"Bhai told you to take a leave today. You should attend a meeting for bhai instead."Anjali said while sitting on the couch.
"Why?" He asked.
"Bhai is going to Bangalore for the next flight...there is an urgent meeting with a new client there.."Anjali said which made Vaigha shocked.

He didn't inform her about the meeting. It made her sad.
"Ok then I will go." Amar said getting up and went upstairs. 

When Anjali became busy with the news paper, Vaigha silently moved to Vaibhav's room only to see him packing his bag. She closed the door and moved to him. He was surprised and shocked at the same time.

"What happened to my wife?" He asked funnily.
"Why are you going without telling me?" She asked.
"Because my wife didn't behave like what I expected."He said faking a sad expression.
"What have I done?"she asked confusingly.
"Yesterday I revealed my love for my wife... every man will expect something back from his girl's mouth while confessing...but my wife has disappointed me.."he said pouting.

"What did you expect from your wife?"she asked.
"Nothing more..three magical words expressing her love for me.."he said moving towards her.
"You should have said that to her..or leave her and find someone other to love.."she said.
"Oh that hurts...It's not possible.."he said faking hurt.
"Why?" She asked trying to control her laugh.
"I have already given my heart to her...it's not possible for me to love someone else in this entire life.."he said and she smiled.

He hold her shoulders to console her. He made her sit on the bed and sat beside her encircling her with his arms.
"Don't be angry Vaigha...it was an urgent call to reach Bangalore asap. If I didn't go I will miss the client. I was about to inform you..but you were always busy..what to do?" He said innocently.

"Is it really urgent?" She asked
"Yes Vaigha..If I had another choice, I won't go. So sorry.."he said.
"then I will help you to pack.."she said getting up from bed. But he hold her hand.
"Are you sad?"he asked cupping her face.
"No..I can understand how much busy you are..."she said.
"Thanks for it.."he said
"When would you come back?" She asked anxiously
"Only two days..I will be here infront of my wife after two days..."he said
"I will pack your bag.."she said.
But he didn't allow her to go away from him.
"Packing is almost over...Pls stay with me till I go.."he said.

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