16. Shocked!!!

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Recap: Vaigha - Vaibhav moments

It's a Monday evening. Vaibhav's house is filled with happiness as it's his birthday today. Apart from his siblings and Vaigha, only his uncle and aunty are invited for the celebration. He hates celebrating his birthday as his parents are not with him. But his siblings won't leave him as it's their favourite celebration of each year... because it's their brother's birthday. Each year there will be a private party on this day avoiding people from outside. That too on their home. But his brothers and sisters will make it as a big celebration with their love and gifts. It was enough for him.

Arjun and Amar are busy in decorating the house along with Krithika. Sanjana was packing their gifts. Vaigha was helping Anjali in preparing birthday special dinner. Uncle and Vaibhav are still in his room talking with each other. Aunty was making the cake ready. It was Vaigha who was the most happiest one. It's her husband's first birthday after their marriage. On the other hand she is tensed. Because his brothers and sisters are arranging very expensive gifts for him. But she came to know about it only on this morning. But she have a gift in her mind which is the most valuable atleast for her.

"Anuradha..can you pls check whether bhai is ready? I am just busy here..can't move from here.."Anjali requested.
"It's ok..I will do.."Vaigha became happy.

She moved to the hall and saw uncle and aunty arranging the cake. She went towards them.

"Uncle...when did you come downstairs? I didn't see..."She said
"Ofcourse you won't see.. since you were so much busy with your husband's birthday celebration.."Uncle teased her making her blush.
"Sathya...keep quiet.. they will hear us..."Nandini aunty warned.

SathyaPratap moved towards Vaigha and cupped her face.
"Are you happy?" He asked with a father's love.
"Ofcourse Uncle...I really liked here.. he is taking good care of me..and his siblings..they also loves me a lot...I am fine and happy with them...I didn't think that one day my life will become beautiful like this."she said with happy tears.

"We can see how much his sisters and brothers taking care of you..they already accepted you as a member in their home. I am sure..they will definitely accept you as their sister in law too..."Nandini said.

Vaigha smiled.
"Let me check whether he is ready" Saying this Vaigha climbed the stairs to reach her husband's room.

She slowly opened the door and saw him still working on his lap top. He is not ready yet. She sighed and slammed the door behind her. He turned his face hearing the sound and saw his wife in a violent mood. He was shocked.

"Vaigha.. what's this? They will see us... open the door..."he quickly jumped out of the bed.
She came towards the bed and forcely closed his lap top. A frown on her face. He was watching her new version.
"What the hell is this Vaibhav? Its your birthday and you are not ready till now."she shouted.
"Hey..don't make noise..you can scold me in a low voice too wife" he said worried.

She smiled with his mention of wife. He noticed it and smiled naughtily.
"So you are also following my siblings path... scolding me?"he asked raising his eye brows.
"Pls come fast...we are waiting for you.."she was about to go when he hold her hand. He entwined his fingers with her both hands. She was surprised.

"What should I do to get a birthday wish from my wife?" He said pouting.
She pretended to be innocent.
"Ask to your wife directly."she said.
"Oh come on Vaigha...My birthday will be very boring without your wish.."he said.

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