33. Their Argument

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Recap: Kishore's wish to marry Anuradha shattering Vaibhav

Vaibhav's PoV
I looked at Kishore who is now laughing and enjoying with the others. He is now happy after destroying all my happiness. During lunch too, he was so busy in praising my wife's dishes. And I don't know why she is laughing along with him all the time.

Why did I ask him to tell his bloody wish? Didn't he get anything other than this to ask me? Why the hell did I bring him back from Bangalore? He was there happy and I was here happy too. And now everything is going to a mess. I don't know where this ends up.

"Bhai..sweets..."before I turn to look who it is, Krithika has already pushed the sweets in my mouth. I looked at Vaigha who is now laughing at me seeing my struggles to eat the big morsel of sweets. She look so innocent. I shouldn't have drag her to this. She might be living happily in that orphanage if I wouldn't have married her.

I turned to see another shocking sight. Kishore is looking at her admiringly. What the hell? Oh god..I should tell everything to Uncle and Nandini aunty now itself. I started looking for them. As expected aunty was busy in kitchen. So I searched for uncle and found him busy with a phone call in garden. I was about to go to him when someone pulled my hand from back.

"Bhai..you haven't ask what we want today. Did you forget?" Anjali was standing with a smile. And behind that twins and girls assembled. I noticed Kishore and Vaigha too at a distance.

"I didn't get you" I said confused.
"Arey did you forget about the speciality of this day? We can ask you anything today."

For God sake don't remember me again. And what do you want now? I haven't relieve yet from the shock given by one's wish.

Should I allow them to continue? What if they ask me to marry that Nandana soon? No no..I cant take risk anymore. Already I am suffering for asking someone's wish. And I can't let it happen again.

"First of all let me speak. I need to say something."I said loudly gaining everyone's attention.
Even Nandini aunty and uncle came to the scenario. I saw Vaigha looking at me in hope.

"Bhai..you can tell us anything. We are not interfering. Calm down." Arjun said as if he is managing a kid. What? I am not a kid.

"I know what I am gonna say will surely hurt you. Please forgive me for that."I apologized in advance.

They looked at each other getting tensed.
"Speak up bhai. We are not going to be angry with you. Whatever it is, we will understand you."Anjali said giving me confidence.

"I know that I have already promised you to marry any girl whom you choose. But it's not possible."I said finally.

"What???"I heard shocked voices from around. I looked up slowly to see only Sanju smiling. Others are confused. Vaigha's face showing more tension than me.

"Why bhai?" Krithika asked me.
"Because.. Because..."I am still confused how to tell. And Kishore is still infront of me. Isn't it necessary to solve his problem first?

"Why are you not speaking?" Anjali asked in a serious tone.

"I can't marry Nandana."I said.
They gave me a questioning expression.
"I can't love someone who don't respect my family. I can't marry a girl who can't love my siblings like I do. She is not a match for me and sorry..I won't marry her. Sorry for breaking the promise I gave to you. Sorry for disappointing you all." I said hoping for an earthquake soon.

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