36. Life after Separation

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Recap: Nandana sending their photographs - Truth is Out - Siblings angry for hiding truth- Vaigha leaving.

3 Weeks Later:
A new morning. Devansh Bhavan is silent. No more alarm rings, noises, twin fights... nothing. It's been 3 weeks their house became silent. It's more like the whole house is dead. Kitchen is empty even after 7 am. There is no one ready to cook there. Newspaper is laying freely outside the home. No one is there to read it.

Anjali slowly woke up from sleep. Her face is pale and she is very weak. She didnt want to open her eyes too. But she managed to got up from bed. She felt a void beside her. The space is still vacant waiting for someone. She saw Sanju and Krithika sleeping at a distance.

"Sanju, wake up.. Krithika. It's 7 am..come on. Wake up dear."she called both of them alternately. But there is no response from them. Sanju is more like a lazy bird now a days. She stopped drawing. She stopped talking with people. Her little world of happiness suddenly shattered on a day. People around her starts feeling like she is mute for the very first time.
Everyone knows the reason. But no one can accept it.

"Krithika, you have exam today. Did you forget?" Anjali asked.
"I am not writing. Let's try next time."Krithika replied still half sleeping.
"Dont say like this. You are again wasting your one year."Anjali scolded.
"No one is here now to compel me for studying, no one forces me to write exam..Bhai also forgot us..I am not going."Krithika said
"Do what you wants."Anjali said angrily and left the room in frustration hearing her words.

She entered into twins room and saw them still sleeping. She called both of them.
"Let me sleep. Dont say me to go office today as usual. I am not. If bhai is not caring about his hardwork and earnings, why should I?" Arjun already made it clear. She didnt expect more than that. She sighed.

She called Amar. He slowly opened his eyes.
"When did you come last night?"she asked.
"It's been 2 am. There was a lot of meetings and urgent jobs to be finished."Amar said in a tired tone.
"Sorry Amar. We know how much you are working now a days. What to do? Noone is here to look after all this if it's not you."Anjali said caressing his hair.
"I can understand. But I was also fed up Didi. Only because you said to not destroy Bhai's long time hardwork, I am managing all this. But I can't do anything like him. Already everything is in a mess. When will our bhai come back to normal life? Can I call back Vaigha?" Amar asked.

Anjali glared at him and stood up to go. But Amar held his hand to stop her.

"Tell me honestly. Dont you miss her? After she left, we lost all our happiness. Sanjana was not talking to anyone. Krithika was fighting with everyone to show her frustration. Arjun entirely became another person. He is not even fighting with me. And you can see what bhai is doing to himself. Our home lost all its life. Whenever she was here, every moment was special for us. She was taking care of us like her own children. Now we all are missing her." Amar said sadly.

"I am not missing her and I dont want her back too. Cheaters have no place in our life."Anjali said angrily.

"Didn't uncle and aunty tell us what happened exactly? It was our mistake too. We didn't consider bhai's feelings."he said.

"This love and everything is a trap. I can't believe her easily after what she did to us. Did you forget everything that happened a few years ago? I don't want to repeat anything now. Let her be where she is now."she turned to leave.

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