14. First Gift!!!

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Recap: Vaigha as Anuradha - Plan for outing.

"Why everyone silent?" Krithika shouted from the last seat of the car.

As per their plan they started their journey. Vaigha sat between Anjali and Sanjana in the middle seat whereas Arjun and Amar occupied the front seats. Krithika was in the last row. Vaibhav was driving the car. Vaigha and Sanjana were in constant talks through gestures. Within one day Vaigha learnt her language.

"Because someone is not in a good mood today?"Amar bumped his shoulder against Arjun for which he got a glare back.

Vaibhav laughed along with others not missing his wife's smile through the mirror. He then looked at his brother who is giving him a requesting look.

"Don't give me that look..you cant drive for this entire month...it's the punishment for your careless driving..when I realize that you learnt driving properly, then you can drive." Vaibhav said looking at Arjun.

"But bhai...I will be careful hereafter...Pls..."Arjun begged.
"No means No... that's all.."Vaibhav said strictly.
"If he doesn't stop his careless driving, soon our home will be filled with so many Anuradhas."Amar said chuckling.

Arjun smacked his twin bro's head when others bursted into a laugh. Vaibhav looked at Vaigha's glowing face. He understood that his wife is happy. That was enough for him. Soon the car stopped at a mall where everyone got out.
"Anuradha..see..did you like this? It will be perfect for you..."Anjali took one dress and asked Vaigha about her opinion. She nodded.

"Who told it's perfect? This color won't suit our Anuradha..it's too dark for her..she is very fair...so this light green will be apt..."Krithika said taking another dress.

Vaigha nodded again. Anjali pouted.
"If you are continue nodding for every dress, then we should have to spend the entire day here... what's your favourite colour?" Anjali asked.

Vaigha pretended to be thinking and then gave a sad expression.
"I don't remember"she said for which Anjali felt sad.
"Dont worry...we will choose some beautiful dresses for you..."Anjali said holding her hand and she smiled.

"What about this??"Krithika came with a short dress for which everyone sighed.
"I can't wear these type of dresses."Vaigha said.
"Its ok...you don't need to..but ask bhai that you want this and we are buying it..."Krithika said winking.
"And then?"Vaigha was amazed.
"Then I will use it after reaching home..what to do? He won't allow me to wear these dresses..."Krithika pouted.
"It's because he loves you.."Vaigha said bursting into laugh.
"If so he should allow me to wear whatever I likes..so we are moving on with this plan..How is it?" Krithika asked.

"Wonderful plan..I heard it..."they both turned to see Vaibhav coming towards them with a lot of packets in his hand.
Krithika immediately bit her lips and hid behind Vaigha. He came to them and was about to twist Krithika's ear when she pushed Vaigha. As a result Vaigha directly dashed on to her husband's chest. She blushed when he was lost in her eyes. Before others noticing, she moved away from him awkwardly.

"Girls we are here..."Arjun and Amar came from the gents section with a lot of packets following their brother.
"Rowdy..you dont need to worry..we bought dresses for you too.."Arjun said teasing Krithika.
She gave him a glare.

It was then Vaigha felt a hold on her shoulder and saw Sanjana with a saree in her hands.
"Can you wear this for me?" Sanjana gestured and Vaigha nodded.
Sanju became happy and asked the sales girl to pack it.

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