Chapter 1: The beginning

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If you told me to tell you about how Max and I met I would tell you that we weren't really friends and we weren't enemies, we were just two people.I mean I had to talk to him a couple of times in classes for group projects but that was pretty much it.

Maximilian James, The 6'2 multi-ethnic guy with black wavy hair, so dark it looks like its navy blue. He's well versed with intelligence and being active. I've seen him at his basketball, soccer and football games. Yet he still has time for his IB classes and AP classes as well.

As for me, I'm Elle Anderson, I'm African American and I was born in Canada from the king and queen of Ontario. Well people know of my royalty but I moved here to Chicago to try and have a nice calm-ish life and I've found it. Everyone treats me normally and I'm perfectly happy with that! Now there's one thing you should know about me, even though I'm a princess and people know this fact, I don't like telling people that I'm royalty. I've gotten through school by only really telling the people who need to know that I'm a princess and I could go a couple more years without people knowing too much about that information. I have two sisters, who are both older and live in Ontario with my parents, while I live with my grandparents. I have braids that go to the top of my back and chocolatey brown eyes. I'm 5'7 and I'm pretty fit since I've played Softball all-throughout high school.

Given the previous history of Max and I not really knowing each other too well I was kind of surprised at him reaching out to me first.

It all started one cold morning in September in Chicago. It's the start of the school day and I'm at my locker putting away my books from my navy blue backpack.

"Elle! How are you?" Max spoke slightly out of breath. I guess he was playing basketball with his friends like he sometimes did in the morning. I would always walk past the gym on the way to my locker so I often saw him.

"I'm ok, just tired, how about you?" I paused putting my stuff away and looked at him.

As he spoke I took in his appearance he was wearing a long sleeved white shirt and some regular worn out blue jeans.

"Elle are you listening to me?" He says while laughing " I said I'm good, are you ready for that math test?

I shook myself out of my small trance and answered him.

"Oh that math test, I'm prepared but I would be more prepared if it wasn't for a certain someone bothering me." I sigh exasperated.

I was talking about Alex Winters, he's a guy who likes me, I guess you could say that, but I'm convinced that all he's trying to do is get into my pants. I'm not focused on him or any other boy, I've got my eyes on Princeton, where I'll be going next year.

"Yeah, has he been getting on your nerves? Cause I could tell him to back off if you want." Max states.

"No, no , no need I'll just tell him I'm not ready for a relationship I mean I'm so stressed out with college and stuff, I don't have time for a boyfriend." I told Max. Plus I could handle myself, Alex wasn't scary.

"Yeah, yeah I totally get you. I mean college and exams are coming up soon, gotta focus right?" He says as he nods his head. He stops talking and clears his throat. He seems nervous, I wonder why.

"Well, um hey do you want to hang out later at my house today?"

What? Max was asking me to hang out at his house? I didn't think we were friends. I mean I've known him since elementary school but we didn't really talk to each other too much back then either.

"Um, yeah sure sounds fun." I gently close my locker.

"Cool I'll see you after school? We can just meet up at the front of the school." He asked me.

"Yeah, no problem sounds good." I nod my head and say goodbye as I walk off towards my class.

Once the last bell signaling that school is over rings, I get up out of my seat and start piling my books on top of each other as I make my way to my locker. I'm almost halfway there when I hear someone screaming

"Hey do you need a hand?!"

I look back and see Max running towards me when he finally reaches me he stops and pants before taking a desperately needed breath.

I had a small smile on my face before I spoke up. "I mean sure, but you look out of breath." I chuckled.

"I'll be fine! Here let me take these for you." He smiled at me reassuringly.

I let him take my books while we walked to my locker and I could grab my backpack. We make small talk while we walk to the parking lot where his car is. We reach his car and he unlocks the doors.

"Hey where's your car?" He asks while looking around the parking lot. Normally if he was still around the parking lot, he and I would wave at each other before I drove off.

"My grandmother took one look at me and saw how tired I looked and decided to drop me off. She says it's to keep me from getting into a car accident."

"It's sweet that she cares so much. Come on let's get going, fun awaits!" He smiles at me while laughing.

We get into the car and he drives off. Silently I pray that it won't be awkward hanging out with him.

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