Chapter 16: The waiting game

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I spent the rest of my spring break just chilling and lazing around my house and at Max's house. Max had to go back to California since he got a job and wanted to make sure that he was prepared. I leave in a couple of days and am just enjoying the Chicago warmth before I leave to go back to finish the last semester.

I reached New Jersey and immediately called my girls to come over for a sleepover. I went into town and grabbed snacks and drinks and went back to my place, just in time to find Jasmine and Nicole waiting outside my door. I welcomed them in and we got comfy talking about gossip and planning things to do during the summer. Sarah rang my doorbell and we could finally start the slumber party.

I had gone to my kitchen to get some ice cream when Nicole came in and asked me something.

"Hey do you use birth control?" I looked up at her and nodded my head.

"Yeah, why?"

"I was just wondering if I should get on it or not." I put my spoon down and turned to face her completely,

"Well it depends on why you would need it. I've taken it for about three years now, I started in sophomore year for my period. I got really bad cramps. Um some people take it for sex and extra protection against unplanned pregnancy. And there are plenty of other reasons for taking it." She nodded her head.

"I think I'll take it, just for extra protection against unplanned pregnancy. It's always nice to have a back-up right?" I laughed,

"Yeah it can be." She laughed and took a bit of my ice cream,

"Hey!" I exclaimed, she laughed and ran into the living room, as I stood there shaking my head before joining my friends.

We were now in May and I had to say, the cherry blossoms looked really beautiful this season. And I would have more time to see them if I wasn't constantly sleeping my days away. I've been taking naps everyday and if that isn't bad enough, sometimes I take two naps! I know it's crazy, I don't really like taking naps. I like to be busy, busy and more busy, so when I nap it feels like I'm missing out on doing stuff. Not to even mention that I'm literally eating everything in sight, I mean you name it, I'm eating it, pizza, candy, chocolate, ice cream and much more. I'm sure this is all just the stress of final exams and once they're over I'll be back to normal.

I had just finished leaving the test building after one of my exams and ran into Sarah. We decided on getting some coffee and a quick chat before she had to head to the airport. Her sister was getting married and she was heading to Dallas, Texas since she was done with her exams. We sat and drank our lattes, well I had a couple of cookies with mine but nonetheless, we still had fun and caught up with each other. I bid Sarah a safe trip and headed on home, where I definitely took a much deserved nap.

The next day I woke up at about 10:25 and got ready to walk to the test building and meet up with Jasmine, since we had this test together. I met up with her outside and we made our way up the stairs, but once I got up the stairs I suddenly was out of breath and started panting like a dog.

"Are you ok?" She rubbed my back,

"Yeah, just haven't really worked out in a while, but that's strange it's only like one and a half flights of stairs." She just shrugged and we walked into class to take our last final.

Two hours later we were outside, walking towards my apartment to hang out. We got inside and Jas mentioned how I was out of breath after those stairs we took.

"..I'm telling you, I've never seen you out of breath, something must be wrong." I laughed and shook my head.

"No nothing's wrong, I've been really stressed lately, so I'm sure now that everything is calmer I'll go back to normal. She looked at me skeptically, "Sure, ok if you say so..." And we went back to chilling on my bed, talking about a bunch of random things. After a while we ordered pizza and a little while later, she left to go home.

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