Chapter 17: Don't speak

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I woke up abruptly, hearing my phone ringing. I turned my head slowly and reached for my phone, through my blurry vision I could see the contact for Max, calling. I slid my finger across the screen, answering.

"Hello?" My voice came out scratchy and like I had been asleep for a long time.

"Hey, I'm outside, I've been calling you for about 20 minutes, where have you been?" Max asked.

I got up slowly and looked at my clock on my nightstand. Shit! It's 9:00. Max had been outside waiting for almost an hour now. I started to move off my bed replying,

"Sorry, I fell asleep. I'm coming to open the door now." I hung up and opened my bedroom door and walked down the steps and opened the door. I looked outside and saw him closing his car door and walking up the steps.

"Hey babe." He leaned down and hugged me, as I placed my face in his neck, smelling his nice cologne.

"Hi, how are you?" He leaned back and looked at my face.

"I'm alright, but babe..what's wrong? Are you sick? Tired? Also you look like you've been crying?" He came closer to take a good look at my face. I kind of pushed away.

"I'm just tired, long flight. Let's go inside." I pulled him into the house.

We were sitting watching the tv, there was Juno playing, and I wasn't really paying attention. I'm sure you can tell why, I mean I'm pregnant and I have to tell my boyfriend. I haven't even decided on what to do yet about the... the baby.

"Hey are you alright?" Max spoke up, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and nodded my head.

He touched my face and scanned my face.

"Honey, really, you look exhausted, come on let's go take a nap." He got up and held out his hand for me to take. He helped me up and we walked upstairs to my room. He got on the bed and motioned for me to lay down. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"Come on close your eyes and get some sleep." I nodded and then heard his breathing start to even out and I laid there, thinking about what to do. After laying in his arms for 30 minutes, I got up, making sure that he wouldn't wake up. I grabbed the pamphlets from my back pocket and sat down at my desk and started reading them. I went online and looked up more information about pregnancy and went downstairs to grab something to drink and came back upstairs. An hour later and I think I came up with my decision.

A/N So I'm gonna do something different in this chapter. I'm going to put in Max's point of view and then it's going to go back to Elle's, just because I want to get both reactions to this part.

Max's point of view

I stirred a bit and moved my arms around trying to reach out for Elle. She looked so exhausted when I got here, I hope she got some sleep. She wasn't in bed, so I moved to get up when I saw her sitting in her chair at her desk. I sat up confused.

"Hey? What are you doing over there?" I asked. She turned around and I could see that she had tears in her eyes and I was immediately worried.

"What's wrong!?!?!" She wiped her eyes with her sweater sleeves. She mumbled something.

"I'm pregnant." I squinted my eyes and put my hand towards my ear.

"What? I'm sorry I couldn't hear you."

She cleared her throat and spoke.

"I'm pregnant." I looked at her, not saying anything as tears fell from her face. Pregnant....Pregnant.......Pregnant She's pregnant. She is pregnant. How? I cleared my throat and tried to keep my eyes from tearing up but it wasn't working.

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