Chapter 9: Everything is about to change

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It's been two months since prom, and it's the month of graduation. Max and I have been having a lot of serious conversations about our future and a lot of mini arguments. But what matters is that we're getting through them stronger.

But I mean everyone is about to split up and the pressure is on, to be ready for college and it's putting a lot of strain on friendships and relationships.

As I walk through the school I hear people talking about couples who have broken up and the friendships that are about to come to an end because of college. Thank God me and my friends are going to colleges pretty near each other. But I've been pretty stressed out now that graduation is coming up soon, especially since my parents are going to be coming down to see me graduate, and are bringing my siblings.

"Hey can I take a nap at your house? My house is being prepared for my family members." I ask Max while we're in our study hall.

"Yeah of course I could use a nap right about now too."

After school we head to his house where we ended up in another little fight.

"Come on, talk to me you're being difficult, I just want you to talk to me." Max states.

"I don't want to talk about it ok? I'm fine."

"Clearly you aren't fine, but whatever I'm not gonna force you to talk. You've been acting differently since the beginning of this month. What's going on?" I walk over to sit on the couch and rest my head in my hands.

"What's going on? What's going ON!? Have you not been paying attention to what's happening? People are separating, friendships are coming undone and so are relationships. Do you know how many people I heard today had broken up? Too many Max, what if..." I stop looking up to stop myself from crying.

"What if? What if what?" Max asks, walking towards me. "Is us breaking up what scares you?"

"Yeah" I say finally breaking down. "What if we break up, I mean we're hours away from each other, Max it's not just something to take so lightly you know, I have to think about you and what you deserve and need. But at the same time I want to be selfish and keep you here and never let you go, but I can't do that." He hugs me and rubs my upper arm.

"Hey, didn't I say that wouldn't be us? come on, baby you know I love you, and I'm choosing you, no matter what, it doesn't matter how far away you are from me, we can make it work alright and if you don't believe me I'll come visit you all the time. I would travel to the end of the world if that meant I would get to stay with you." He looks me in my eyes and I feel better and at peace.

"Sorry for just freaking out at you, you've been nothing but a sweetheart to me, I love you." I hug him and lean in for a kiss. See what I mean, college is bringing in a lot of stress for everyone.

The next day all the seniors arrive at the school for graduation rehearsal. It runs smoothly, everyone is excited for the big day. But secretly sad at leaving high school and all the memories behind. It's a bittersweet moment for us all.

My parents and siblings arrived a bit later on in the day and had been super excited to see me. It was a bit overwhelming to see my family all at once after not seeing them in a long time, since they rarely come down unless something important is happening.

Graduation day had finally come and as I stare at myself in the mirror in my cap and gown and tassels and chords I tear up a bit. And walk downstairs ready to get this over with. I'm immediately attacked with my mom and dad sobbing over how grown up their little girl is and how they're so proud of me. My sisters are excited for me as well, going on and on about how great college guys are. That reminds me I should tell them about Max. We head to the building where our graduation is held. Two hours later I'm holding my diploma and hugging my best friend Lilith and wondering where Theo and Max are so we can take pictures. We find them and Max reaches out to me after I hugged Theo.

"Congrats babe we did it!!!" He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Yeah we did it congratulations baby!!" I'm excited to just get home and spend some time with my baby, perhaps a nap.

We take some pictures and Lily and Theo go to find their parents, who are most likely talking to each other about summer plans. Me and Max are getting cuddly when my parents call out my name.

"Elle." I turn around letting go of Max, to see my parents and sisters smirking at me. I start blushing and try to hide my face in Max's chest. My mom steps closer to me and Max and asks

"Who is this young gentleman?"

"Mom, dad, Alexa, and Sandra, this is Max, my boyfriend." Cue the freaking out.

My mom starts pinching his cheeks and asking him questions while my dad is making sure he fits his description of a good enough guy for his little girl. My sisters are gushing about how cute he is and what a good job I did.

"Mom, me and Max were going to go hang out and celebrate graduation together if you don't mind, so we have to go."

"But wait, we wanted to go to dinner to celebrate the graduation, I have an idea! Why doesn't Max come to dinner with us, that way we can get to know him better!"

I look at Max to see what he'll say.

"I would love to go to dinner with you guys, thank you so much for inviting me."

My dad finally speaks up.

"I like this guy already, very respectable."

Great, dinner with my family, we're in for a treat.

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