Chapter 5: Confused

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A/N Hi Hi! Sorry I don't really know how to write sexy scenes so please bear with me!

As happy as I was yesterday when I got home I was just as confused when I woke up. What did that kiss mean for us? Was there an us? I don't know how to act around him. Do I act like normal? Do I hold his hand? Will he hold my hand?

Ok breathe breathe. I just need to chill.

I got dressed and headed downstairs, my grandmother wasn't up yet since I had gotten up super early to get to school. I had to talk to Max so I told him to get to school early, and he had messaged me to say he was already there. I got in my car and drove off to school.

I sped/walked into the building, trying to get to the library where I told Max to meet me. I push open the library doors and see him sitting at a table that's kind of secluded, I'm guessing for privacy. I see that he has two cups of coffee in front of him as I sit down in the seat in front of him.

"Hey, good morning I got you some coffee" He pushes one of the cups towards me.

"Thank you, that's very sweet of you." I grab the cup and take a sip.

"So what did you want to talk to me about, and before you say anything I just wanted to let you know that if you can't do this right now, cause you're focused on Princeton I'll understand. That's not gonna make me like you any less." He rushed out in one breath.

"That's really sweet of you, and while that was a part of my worries I just wanted to know what that kiss meant for us, and how we'll act. Do we act differently or the same?"

"I like you a lot. I did a lot of thinking after you left and I know I said I was confused about how we acted but then I realized that I like you I truly do and there's nothing that could change my mind about you. And we could act the same if you want, I'm ok with acting cute or acting normal." I can't stop my smiling as he talks, he's so sweet.

"I like you a lot, but what do we do about college? I mean we're gonna be miles away. How do we do this?"

"Well we'll just visit each other and call each other, we can do this."

"Yeah you're right we can do this."

"So, Elle would you be my girlfriend?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Yes I would!" I smiled at him.

He grabs my hands and holds them while stroking them with his thumbs. I look into his eyes and we both just smile. Enjoying being in our own little bubble, our own little world.

"Oh yeah did you want to come over my family is going to be out, every single one of them and I'll be lonely." He suddenly breaks our silence.

"Yeah I'll come over and hang out with you." The bell rings and we move to get up, he grabs my hand and I turn to look at him. He slowly grabs my face and kisses me. We break apart and he holds my hand as we leave the library.

"I'll walk you to class."

"Sounds perfect."

Once school is finished we walk hand and hand to the parking lot. I reach my car and turn to Max.

"I'll see you at your place. I have to go home and tell grandma I'm done with school."

"Ok no problem I'll see you there." He smiles at me and we wave our goodbyes.

I get into my car and drive off reaching my house. I say hello to my grandparents and make my way upstairs. I open my laptop and decide to look at some of the apartments I was looking forward to getting for Princeton. I'm shocked and outraged when I see that the apartment I secured was suddenly taken by another person.


I can't believe this is happening! I already filled in the rent for that apartment. Before I know it, it's been two hours later and I'm still busy, I've been calling the apartment managers and getting a full refund and then looking for a new place, and telling my grandparents all about what just went down.

I was on new apartment pictures when I remembered I was gonna hang out with Max. I quickly hopped out of my bed and ran downstairs bidding a quick farewell to my grandparents. I was still fuming when I got over to Max's house.

I ran up the walkway and opened the door, since Max told me it would be open. I ran all the way to his floor where I burst open the door and pounced on him. I hugged him tight, trying to get rid of my anger and it helped a little.

"Woah, what happened? What's wrong?" He asked while petting my hair,

"The apartment I signed up for got rented by another person and the managers of The apartment complex didn't let me know at all so I had to find a new apartment, get a fu*king refund and tell my grandparents. Sorry I'm late by the way."

"Nah it's ok, are you ok?" He looked at me worriedly.

"Nope, but hopefully the new apartment is way better than that other apartment. I get to see it in three weeks.

I lean up and kiss him. He puts a little bit more pressure and he starts to sit up.

"Are you ok with this, you know making out?" He asks while looking at me waiting for my answer. I look at him and nod my head.

"Yes I'm ok with that." I look at him while he nods his head and leans in to continue kissing me.

15 minutes later we're laying down on his couch. I'm on top of him and we're still making out. He stops kissing me and asks me.

"Hey are you ok, you seem in a bit of a rush and I don't want to rush you or put any pressure on you?" I sit up a bit

"I'm not angry anymore but you're not pressuring me. I know what I'm doing and what I want to do." I take off my top and look down at him. Grandma did say I should have a little bit of fun and I can have this type of fun responsibly.

"I want you. I'm ready." I looked at him seriously.

He looks at me in shock and sits up a bit too.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm ready"

"I don't want you to do this if you're still angry"

"I'm not angry anymore, I've calmed down."

"Ok if you're sure, just let me know if I'm hurting you ok."

"I will, of course." I help him get his shirt off and he helps me get my pants off and I do the same. Five minutes later we're completely naked and making out.

"Elle are you ready?" He kisses my forehead.

"Yeah I'm ready."

Twenty minutes later we just cuddled in bed. It started raining not too long ago and we're just listening to the soft pitter patter of the rain against the window. He's kissing the top of my head and rubbing my arms.

"Are you ok?" He looks at me.

"Yeah I'm just really content right now, how are you?" I look up at him.

"I'm ok, just a bit tired."

"Can I stay here tonight?" I ask.

"Yeah of course just tell your grandparents where you'll be." He nods his head.

I grab my phone and text my grandmother and tell her I'm staying at a friend's house, since she doesn't know about Max yet. I set my phone down on his nightstand and roll back into Max's waiting arms and cuddle back into him. I slowly fall asleep while hearing him say goodnight Elle.

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