Chapter 19: Keeping secrets

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A couple of weeks have passed since Max and I had decided to keep the baby. We're half way through June and I'm about 13-14 weeks. So I'm officially done with my first trimester! The baby is perfectly healthy and so am I, thanks to Max making sure I eat healthy foods for the baby. I'm just chilling in my house on my phone looking at the baby center app. I see that my baby is the size of a lemon! Awww a lemon, it's so tiny. I hear the front door start to open from upstairs and go to see who's here.

"Hi Elle darling! How are you!!" My grandmother excitedly yells. My grandparents were on a cruise for about three weeks and then went off to Puerto Rico for about another three weeks and then went to France and Canada for about five weeks. They've been traveling a bunch.

"I'm ok grandma and grandpa, how was traveling?" I asked.

"Oh it was amazing sweetie, the water was so clear in Belize. The ship captain, let us go in the ocean." My grandpa exclaimed.

"Oh honey! Are you hungry? Let me make you some soup! I learned this fantastic recipe in Puerto Rico! It includes your favorite, Salmon!" Grandma interrupted, coming to squish my cheeks.

"Honey, are u ok, you seem different...I can't quite put my finger on it...." She came closer to my face.

"Nope, nothing different I'm ok." I quickly spit out. She nodded and went to the kitchen, pulling out the cutting board and pans. I hugged my grandpa and went upstairs to change into something more comfortable. I mean I'm wearing a wife beater and my jeans, that's not exactly comfortable.

I was walking past my mirror when I stopped and looked at my stomach. I rubbed my stomach a little and I saw that my stomach had gotten a bit bigger, I wasn't as lean as I was before. Will it be noticeable to my grandparents? My grandma opened my door and I quickly grabbed my shirt from my bed to hide my stomach.

"Oops, sorry honey. I just wanted to say that dinner is ready." She smiled.

"Ok grandma, I'll be right down." I stated. She nodded her head and closed my door. I waited until I heard her footsteps go down the stairs, and I let out the huge breath of air I didn't know I was holding and sat down on my bed. How am I going to be able to hide this from them? I quickly put on my blue sweater and put on some soft shorts and hurried downstairs.

The aroma of soup and fish was in the air and it kind of made me feel a bit sick. I walked to the dinner table and sat down with my grandpa. My grandma placed a bowl in front of me and my grandpa before serving the soup.

"I present to you, Salmon soup of Puerto Rico!" She stated excitedly and then scooped up some of the soup with her ladle and poured it into my bowl. The smell of the fish hit my nose and I immediately felt nauseous. I stood up quickly and ran upstairs to my bathroom, throwing up.

After brushing my teeth twice I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Elle? Are you alright?" My grandma asked. I cleared my throat.

"Yes! I'm fine grandma!" I could tell she was still behind the door, I could see her shadow. I opened the door and looked at her worried face.

"Honey did you throw up?" She sniffed around me and in the air.

I panicked and tried to come up with something.

"No, I just realized that I forgot to uh wash my hands! Yeah so I ran upstairs to wash them." I sputtered out.

She looked like she didn't believe me but nodded her head anyway.

"Ok...are you still hungry?" She looked at me curiously.

"Um, grandma I'm not sure I want to eat soup or salmon." I shivered a bit. "Maybe a grilled cheese sandwich, please." I pleaded a bit. She nodded her head and gave me a hug.

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