Chapter 12: Max tells all

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Hey there guys, so I felt that you guys didn't really know that much about Max, so I decided to make a chapter from his point of view up until after chapter 11!

There she is, Elle Anderson, I've known her for years but I've always had a crush on her. She's standing at her locker, putting her books away, her long braids down her back. Dude go up to her, what could go wrong? Everything! I could stutter, I could just stare at her way too long and it could freak her out. Nevermind I'm gonna do it, I can't go back to my friends. I already told them that I would go try to talk to her, if I go back they'll just come back here with me. I continued thinking to myself before I stood right next to her. I quickly spoke.

"Elle, how are you?" Dummy, you should have said hey first. She turned to look at me and smiled. We started off a bit of small talk, until she stopped talking. Did I say something wrong? Do I look terrible? Do I stink? Do I have anything in my teeth? My mind was racing a thousand miles per minute. She shook out of it and started talking again. Ok now ask her if she wants to hang out, nothing too serious, just like to watch a movie or something. I asked and she said YES! I'm so nervous I really hope I don't screw it up. She said she had to get to class. All I could notice was her beautiful brown eyes and her nice outfit. She looked beautiful. I bid her farewell and went to tell my friends the good news.

"Good job man, I'm glad you finally asked her out." Ryan, my best friend stated.

"I didn't ask her out, I just asked if she wanted to come over and watch a movie." He laughed and looked at me.

"That seems like you asked her out, but whatever you say. Anyway let's get going to class." I really hope I don't screw this up. And I followed him to class.

I walked with Elle to my car after school had finished and opened the door for her. Thank God my car was clean, that would have been embarrassing for her to see if it was messy. I got in and drove out of the parking lot. We reached my house and I opened the car door for her. I reach into my pocket for the keys and open the front door moving aside making room for her to come in. Hopefully my family members aren't home, they'll surely embarrass me. I grabbed some snacks and made my way with Elle in front of me, to my room. We got in, got comfortable and played the movie. Around 15 minutes into the film Elle fell asleep on my shoulder. I decided not to wake her up, since she was probably really tired. Watching her sleep I felt my heart flutter and I sighed. Is this what it feels like to be next to or close to the person you like? If so I like it. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep. Elle had woken up which caused me to wake up and see that the film had long been done. I got up and took her to get some food. After all she must have been hungry. Afterwards I dropped her off at home. Today was a great day, hopefully I get many more days to spend with Elle.

I guess I got my wish, I've been spending a lot of time with Elle, studying in the library, calling and texting on the phone. It's been amazing, but I think I'm ready to tell her my feelings. I have very strong feelings for her and I have to tell her or else I'll spend the rest of my life wondering what could have been. So I called her and asked if she could come over to my house.

Elle and I talked about our feelings and I kissed her. I kissed Elle! It felt like fireworks, it felt like I was falling off a cliff but it wasn't scary because I knew that at the bottom I would be caught by a soft cloud. My heart is racing and beating super hard. I'm so glad that she felt the same.

I'm lying in bed, with Elle cuddling me, we just took the next step in our relationship. It surprised me but making sure that she was alright with whatever I was doing, I was happy to do it. I lovingly stroked her back. She was fast asleep. I know earlier she was upset and angry about her apartment that she has been trying to get, but I have faith that she'll find a better place. I kissed the top of her forehead after looking at her soft features on her face and turned off the light, holding her tight as I drifted off to sleep.

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