Chapter 2: Hanging out

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We finally reached his house after a 20 minute drive. His house is huge. I think quietly to myself, how does he not get lost in there? As we park in the garage he stops the car and pulls his keys out, then turns and looks at me.

"Hey um, just to let you know, my family is here and if they freak you out, in any way just tell me alright? I don't think they'll bother you this time but if they do..." He warns me.

"What? Don't worry I'm not gonna get freaked out, I'm sure they're lovely." I reply while smiling.

"Ok if you say so." He answers while shrugging. He opens his car door and rushes to my side and opens it for me.

"O..h. than...Thank you." I've never had a guy open a car door for me other than when I was in Canada where I had people open doors for me all the time.

We walk up the path leading to his front door, as I look at the beautiful house in front of me. Before I knew it we had reached the door, he reached into his pocket and grabbed his keys. Pushing the door open, he stepped aside and gestured me in.

"Ladies first." I thanked him and walked inside and was awed. I was surrounded by navy blue paint on the walls. I looked to my left and saw a living room that had a homey feel and looked really comfortable and like people were regularly in it. On my right I saw a huge staircase that seemed to go on forever, but what caught my eye was the copious amounts of pictures that were on the wall above the staircase and also on the wall right next to the door.

"Welcome to my house, my siblings are probably upstairs in their rooms and my mom and dad are at work right now. Come on I'll get you a snack."

I follow him as we walk towards his kitchen. When I see his kitchen it's like my dream come true, it's everything I would want in a kitchen, a big farmhouse sink, a huge fridge, and so much space and a huge island!

"I love your kitchen!" I tell Max as he walks to his fridge and grabs two cans of sprite and puts them down on the counter.

"Thanks, I'll let my mom know you appreciate it." He continued on to this pantry before turning around abruptly. "Where are my manners, sit down, please."

I walk towards one of the seats at what seems to be the breakfast table and watch as he grabs some chips and oreos out of the pantry. He seems really at ease in the kitchen almost like he's a cook or baker, that would just add to his already impressive resume. I come out of my thoughts, seeing him looking at me.

"Ok you ready to go to my room? I got all the food ready for us." He questioned.

"Yeah I'm ready let's go." We leave the dream kitchen and start walking up the long staircase and reach the second level, I see a bunch of doors and two in particular are decorated. I'm guessing those are his siblings' rooms. As we make our way up to the third floor I notice that it's different.

"Welcome to my floor, I know I know it's huge but my parents thought I might want some space since I'm the middle child of five kids and since the second oldest is gone to college I have this floor all to myself." He said as I stared at him in blatant shock.

"That must be nice!" I smiled at him.

"Let's go in, these snacks are getting heavy." He chuckled.

"Oh I could help you carry them." I say quickly.

"Nah, I'll be fine, could you just reach into my left pants pocket and grab my keys, please."

I reach my hand into his pocket and grab his keys.

"It's the one with the pink on top. Then you twist the key to the right." I quickly grab that key and push it into the door knob turning it to the right and the door clicks open.

As I move to the side to allow him to walk in and drop the snacks somewhere I take in the huge room surrounding me. His room is a light gray color, with a huge bed in one corner of the whole floor and a somewhat smallish living room with a loveseat and chaise lounge right in front of his huge large screen t.v. I look to my left where I last saw him walk off and see a beautiful wood table with roses in a vase on top. His room is like a studio apartment and it's really neat and organized too.

"Hey, do you wanna watch a movie? I have spirited away, the wind rises, or ponyo?" He states while squatting down to reach into a basket that was placed in the drawers of his t.v. stand.

"Um I like spirited away, but you can choose, I'm not picky." I say while fidgeting, I don't know why I'm so nervous.

"No I love spirited away I've seen it like at least a million times!" Max replies while laughing. "Sit down on the couch, I'll bring the snacks over."

I start walking towards the couch and sit down, trying not to take up too much space. He walks back with the snacks and starts putting them on the small coffee table in between the t.v. and couch. He hands me my soda and opens the chips and oreos, so that it doesn't make so much noise during the movie.

"Do you want a blanket, my room is always cold, sorry." He asks while putting the movie on.

"Yeah sure, thanks." I reply while smiling. This isn't so bad after all and it's not awkward. We watch the movie and have our moments of laughing and crying. I don't know when but I slowly put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Guess I must have been a lot more tired than I thought.

I wake up and see that the room is somewhat dark, as it's probably night right now, I sit up and reach for my cell phone in my back pocket and look at the time, 7:30 I'm not late but I should probably get going. I feel something warm holding my waist, I look down and see that it's Max's arm, I look behind me and see him asleep. I'm guessing we fell asleep during the movie and ended up somehow cuddling. Speaking of the movie, I look at the t.v. and see it's on the menu of spirited away. I nudge Max a bit to try and wake him up. He soon gets up rubbing his eyes sleepily

"Wha... Oh we fell asleep didn't we?"

"Yeah we fell asleep." I sit up.

"What time is it?" He asks in his rough sleepy voice.

"7:30." He sits fully up and moves the blanket off of him,

"OH SHIT, you probably have to get home, you grandparents are probably worried sick right now."

"I'm not late, it's fine." I laugh , I get up from the couch and stretch my arms and legs. I grab the blanket from the couch and start folding it.

"Hey Elle?" I stop folding.

"Yeah?" I look at Max.

"I really appreciate you hanging out with me today, I know this was kind of unexpected, but it was really calming for me, I'm glad we hung out." I look at him while he rubs the back of his neck.

"Of course, it was fun and I'm glad we hung out." I smiled at him.

"Great! Are you hungry? We could get Mcdonald's before I drop you off at home?" He asked me.

"Sounds like a plan!" We cleaned up his room before heading down to his car. We headed to Mcdonalds and ate for a bit before he dropped me off at home.

Once I got home I quietly walked upstairs and headed towards my bedroom. I had opened my bedroom door when I heard a notification sound and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. Max had sent me a text.

From Max: Thanks again for coming over, we should hang out again soon!

I quickly typed back

To Max: yeah! We totally should!

From Max: Goodnight Elle, sweet dreams

To Max: Nighty night Max

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