Chapter 30: Surprise! Part 2

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"She's so beautiful and perfect." I said while touching her small little toes. We had gotten moved from the labor room to our private room, where me and Max were enjoying our baby.

"Yeah she takes after her mom." I looked up at him and blushed. She had beautiful black curls and nice olive toned skin, and hazel eyes with mixtures of green in them .

"Her cheeks are so puffy and cute and round. I can't believe she's real!"

"Yeah she's beautiful and amazing... so we're still the same on the name right?" Max looked at our baby.

"Yeah, Elizabeth Cleo James. Eliza for short."

"Welcome to the world Eliza!" He kissed her cheek as I giggled.

I knew we would have to let my family members see the baby but for right now Eliza was all ours and we wanted to get to know her. After all she was inside me for nine months, it's time for us to get to know each other better.

After about two hours alone with Eliza, Max and I decided to let my family into the room. They all awed and cooed over the baby. My mom came to hold the baby and she kissed my forehead.

"I know that what I said over the past two weeks was really hurtful and I shouldn't have said them. I'm sorry for everything, you're doing great kiddo and it's time for me to not just see you as a little baby but as a young adult. I love you and always will."

I smiled back at her, letting her know we were ok. Having a new baby sure does bring people together. I continued talking to my family as we looked at little Eliza. We of course texted our family and friends in Chicago that the baby was born even though they would find out on the news as well.

After my family went home, me and Max were on the hospital bed just looking at Eliza as she slept in her little crib.

"So when do you wanna go back?" I turned to look at Max.

"I'm not in a rush. Whenever you're ready babe." I nodded my head and turned back to Eliza.

"So I wanted to ask you something before Eliza got here but I guess she wanted to be a part of this..." he got off the bed to go reach into his jacket pocket and walked back and sat on the bed.

"I know you said you weren't ready for something like this but... Will you marry me?... again I know you aren't ready for somet-"



"I said yes, I would love to marry you." I leaned in and kissed him. He put the beautiful diamond ring on my finger and I leant back on him.

"So I don't want to rush you but when do you want to have kids?" I asked him as we both burst out laughing.

I have a feeling that we're both going to be ok and for me that's all I could ever want. A loving fiance and a beautiful little baby girl. And with that I'm the happiest I could ever be. Even though I know there will be challenges, I know we'll be alright!

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