Chapter 22: How to Save a Life

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Max's point of view! So I decided that I'll go straight from when he reached home, the day he found out Elle was pregnant to finding out the baby's gender. So enjoy!

After spending an hour crying, I got up to wash my face and get into bed. I don't think I could handle any more stress today. I know it's not the right thing to just up and leave Elle in her moment of leave but I just wanted to figure out how to help her. I mean I just found out she was pregnant, but then she brought up abortion. I'm totally alright with people having choices on what to do with their body, but I never expected that I would come to deal with this now.

Three days later, I've been moping around. I haven't been sleeping much, I've been trying to get as much information as I can on pregnancy and abortions. I've gotten over the initial shock of her being pregnant and I'm surprised but I can be here for her. As for her wanting an abortion, I don't know why but I've gotten really attached to the idea of us having a baby, but if she wants to have an abortion then I guess I support her.

I walked downstairs to the living room and saw my parents and my siblings sitting around the dinner table.

"Hey guys what's up?" I was confused. They all looked up at me and my mom spoke up.

"Honey, why don't you sit down. We want to talk to you." She softly spoke.

I nodded my head and sat down.

"Honey, we've noticed that you aren't acting like normal, is there anything you want to talk to us about?" My mom said sweetly. I shook my head no and just looked down into my lap.

"Look bro! We know something's up, now stop not talking and speak the hell up!" Jacob got up and yelled.

"Jacob!" My mom sternly called him.

"No mom I'm tired of it, for the past three days he's been walking around looking depressed. And I wanna know why right NOW!" Jacob screamed again. I got up angry and slammed my hands against the table.

"Elle's pregnant! There are you HAPPY?! I'VE BEEN WALKING AROUND DEPRESSED BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO OK?!" I sat back down. Everyone just looked on in shock. My dad cleared his throat.

"Uh, kids why don't you um leave. Give us some time to talk to Max, alright?" He calmly stated. My brothers and sisters got up leaving the table. My sister Tiff, patted my shoulder before continuing out of the room.

" did this happen?" My mom spoke.

"How do you think it happened Margaret, the boy had sex. You did at least use condoms?" My dad questioned while getting up and pacing back and forth.

"Yes, the condom may have broken or the birth control didn't work." I spoke.

He nodded his head.

"So how far along is she? When did you find out?" He took a sip of water from his cup.

"She told me that she was about six weeks and I found out three days ago that she was pregnant before getting on the airplane." I coughed a bit. My mom got up and walked towards me and then hugged me. I immediately burst into tears.

"What do I do mommy?" I said through tears. I dropped my face into her chest and cried.

"Adrian, we need to show support for Max right now. Max sweetie does Elle know what she wants to do?" My mother asked.

"Yes, she wants an abortion, but I don't think she thought about it clearly. She kind of just dropped it on me. But if that's what she wants then I'm alright with it." I looked into my mother's eyes.

"But are you alright with it?" She questioned. I looked down into my lap.

"I don't know what I want, but I can't tell her what to decide, It's her body and she can decide what to do with it. I can't just put in my input." I stated.

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