Chapter 26: Going home

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"What?! No, I don't want to go back to Canada!" I screamed.

"Oh yes you will! I can't believe you got pregnant! Especially at this age! It's embarrassing Elle!" My mom shouted back.

"You can't just come back and try to interrupt my life! I'm staying here!"

"Yes I CAN young lady now you listen to me. You will go back to Canada and you will stay there until me and your father can figure out what to do about this whole situation. That's final!" She turned to walk away.

"I'm not GOING! I'm NOT!" I watched her walk away.

I marched up the stairs and went into my room and locked my door. I decided to call Max when I heard my door being opened. Only my grandparents had the key...and they're not here...

"Give me your phone." My mom walked in.

"WHAT?! NO I'm NOT giving YOU my phone!"

"OH YES YOU WILL! I don't want this news getting out to people!"

"NO I need to contact Max!"

"No you don't, what you need to do is get ready to leave in three days for Canada. Now give me your phone."

I just stared at her as she had her hand out.

"I guess we're doing this the hard way then..." She walked towards me and grabbed my phone. I quickly got up and moved towards her trying to grab my phone back.

"You can't do this!"

"I can and I just did." She moved the phone away from my grasp and walked out of my room.

What am I going to do?

I turned around and walked to my laptop. I quickly sent an email to Lilly and Theo trying to make sure they knew what was going on. I was just about to email Max when my mom walked in again.

"Dinner's ready."

"Go away I don't want to talk to you, I'll eat soon."

She turned and left my room. I pushed my laptop closed and closed my door, leaning against it trying to keep myself from crying.

The past two days have been hell. I haven't been able to reach my friends or Max. I've just been trying to figure out ways on how to get out of going to Canada. Even my grandparents tried to get me to stay here. But alas it hasn't worked. I don't think the stress is good for the baby, I really try to stay calm for her but I know she's being affected.

Today was my last day here and I honestly just feel awful. I don't want to leave. I've been crying and having sleepless nights and I know that it's bad for the baby just like it's bad for me. But I can't help it, I miss Max so much, and I know the baby does too.

It was early morning and my mom and I were scheduled to leave for Canada in three hours. I had just finished packing my suitcase that I was forced to make. My mom was downstairs getting ready to leave and finish packing up. I sat down on my bed and rubbed my belly.

"Don't worry baby, mommy's going to find a way to get daddy back to us."

It was time to leave and I had walked downstairs to say goodbye to my grandparents.

"Hey kiddo, don't worry your gramps has a few tricks up his sleeve." My grandpa whispered.

"Oh gramps, I'm gonna miss you. But what do you mean?" I silently cried.

He winked at me and patted my back. I moved to hug my grandma who was crying just like I was.

"Oh sweetie, don't worry we're trying to get you back here as soon as possible, you can count on us!" My grandma whispered. I nodded my head and sniffed.

"Thank you so much for everything grandma it really means so much to me." I sniffed.

"It's no problem it's what anyone would do for their granddaughter." She hugged me tight to her and kissed my forehead. I let go and finally walked towards the door where my mom was waiting.

"C'mon let's go." She softly spoke. She pulled my arm to take me to the car.

I turned around and waved at my grandparents, who blew kisses at me and they both winked. I wonder what that's about. I turned back to just stare straight in front of me and try to dry my tears that kept running down my face.

We finally reached the airport and got immediately onto our private plane.

As the plane started to take off I hoped that Max would find out from Lilly and Theo of my whereabouts.

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