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Hey guys I just want to say thank you for following me along this story's journey!!! It was a memorable story to write and I've had incredible support throughout the chapters!! Thank you so much to my best friends , Alexis, for giving me ideas and always reading chapters and Bella for always reading my chapters and leaving wonderful comments on them! This was my first book ever and I'm so glad that I could finish it in such a short amount of time! I'll have many other stories in the works so don't worry this isn't the last you've heard of me! But most importantly I would like to thank all of the readers, you guys make me want to continue writing, and you guys are also the ones reading the story! So thank you very much! I can't thank you all enough!

So without further ado please enjoy the last chapter of The Royal Issue!!!

It's been about five years since the birth of our daughter Eliza and a lot has happened. Me and Max live in Chicago in our own house. We both graduated from college and Max owns his own company while I'm a successful lawyer . Little Eliza is four and our son, Liam Matthew James, who we had two years after Eliza is now two!

We always go back to Canada to visit my family and it's really nice. My relationship with my mom has gotten better and I'm really happy about that.

Lilly and Max's best friend, Ryan, got married and are expecting a little baby boy of their own. Theo is engaged to a nice man who Theo likes to say is his "rich daddy" and they are getting ready to move in together.

My grandparents have decided to travel the world but always come back to visit and my sisters are both married and thinking of starting families.

It wasn't easy when Eliza was a baby. We had to focus on school and her and it was tough but we made it work. We got married in our junior year and we're going on three years of marriage now!

I had just finished washing the dishes in our kitchen when Max came downstairs.

"The kids are asleep, it took Liam a little bit longer but he's asleep."

"That's good!" I turned around to wipe my hands on a kitchen towel.

"So how about we get some shut eye ourselves? It's been a long day..."

He was right. We were celebrating Eliza's fourth birthday and it was highly energetic.

"Yeah let's head to bed. I'm exhausted."

We walked up the stairs into our bedroom and got into bed.

"Honey?" I poked Max.

"Yes? What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just I hope I didn't alter your life or make it difficult..."

"WHAT?! Never you and the kids are the best thing that EVER happened to me! I'm so thankful to be able to call you my wife and for our kids. I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Good I'm glad!"

"I love you honey, goodnight!"

"I love you too! Goodnight..."

He turned around to sleep on his left side. I tapped him again.



"So you know how we were talking about adding to the family..."

"Oh my God! Are you...?"

"Yes I am!! We're going to have a baby!" He put his arms around me hugging me tightly and kissing my lips and face.

I guess everything worked out in the end and I hope it continues to work out. Max and the kids ended up being the best things to ever happen to me and I would never change it for the world!!

The end!!!

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