Chapter 4: Getting even closer

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I wake up the next morning ready to take on the world. I get dressed in this cute pink off the shoulder dress, pairing it with my favorite jean jacket and my white Keds. I put my hair half up and half down and walk down stairs to get breakfast after getting ready for the day. When I reach the bottom of the staircase I see my grandmother sitting in her favorite comfy chair wearing a comfy blue sweater.

"Good morning grandma, how did you sleep?" She looks up at me and smiles.

"I slept fine dear, how about you?"

"Yeah I got some much needed sleep."

"Do you need me to make you something to eat?" She asks while starting to get up.

"No, need grandma. I'll just make myself cereal. It's fine, I'm kind of in a hurry to get to school anyway." I turn to walk into the kitchen when she laughs.

"It wouldn't have anything to do with a boy right? I mean is it a boy?" I turn around and look at her.

"No grandma, you know I don't have time for a boyfriend, I'm too focused on college and my future career." She laughs again.

"Yes I know dear you always had that saying, what was it again?"

"The seven B's grandma, Books Before Boys Because Boys Bring Babies."

"Ah yes that's the one, I just don't want you to be too serious you're young I want you to enjoy life."

"Don't worry grandma", I say while laughing, "I won't be too serious, I promise." I make my way to the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal.

After eating, I wash my bowl and I go to put on my shoes when my grandmother comes up to see me off.

"Ok grandma I'm going to school now, I'll be back soon."

"Ok sunshine be safe! Also I want to have a chat with you after you come back from school. Don't worry you aren't in trouble or anything." She smiles.

"Ok grandma, see you later." I walk out of the house and get into my car and drive off reaching the school in 20 minutes, once I'm inside I decide to get a few more minutes of studying in. Just as I get to my locker I get a text from Max.

From Max: Good morning, I'm probably not going to be at school today. I got sick from all those all nighters, I bet you're already at school though, have fun!

I shake my head laughing a bit before remembering that he mentioned being sick.

To Max: Oh no! I'm sorry, make sure to get lots of rest and medicine, and har har, I like school what can I say lol, and thanks I will learning is super fun.

From Max: Please tell me you're joking, school can be totally boring, I'm saying that and I'm super smart, so are you.

To Max: Ha ha it was obvious sarcasm dude, schools ok, I'm just ready for college how about you?

From Max: Yeah I'm ready for college I just don't know which school to go to, duke university or USC, it's a hard choice.

The bell rings startling me, I quickly text back a reply.

To Max: Hey the bell just rang I'll text you after school. Get well soon.

From Max: Oh ok, thanks and yeah talk to you later.

I quickly open my locker and put two books away and grab my Psych book and head to my AP Psych class.

After a long day, school is finally over. I walk out of the building and head to my car. I get in and drive home remembering that grandma wanted to talk to me. Hmm I wonder what about.

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