Chapter 6: Things are heating up!

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Things between me and Max have been going great, we're in an amazing relationship and I'm super excited to see where this relationship is going to go. It's been about four months since we got into a relationship and everyone thinks we're a power couple. I just think we're made for each other and I'm glad that he feels the same.

Today I went to school super early ready for the senior field trip. I walk to my locker and see my boyfriend Max leaning against my locker in a regular short sleeve black shirt and some black shorts. His hair wasn't in a quiff today and instead was in its normal state without wax and he was wearing glasses.

"Hey babes," I called out to him. He looked up and smiled that beautiful smile I loved.

"Hello sunshine, how are you?" He asks while leaning down to kiss me.

"I'm great thank you for asking." I say while giggling. He reaches for my hand and holds it, kissing the top of my hand lightly.

"Are you ready for that field trip? I hear that Hell fury is THE best ride, it's super tall and super fast!" He's almost jumping for joy which leads to us almost letting go of our intertwined hands.

"Baby, I'm sure it'll be fun, but I'm more excited about the food." I've been totally eating a lot more food than normal. "I hope they have chocolate chip cookies, mm, maybe some pizza, chips, ooh! COTTON CANDY!!!!"

"Haha haha, I get it babes you're excited about the food, hopefully we'll at least ride a couple of rides together?" He asks while pouting.

"Of course! I wouldn't want you to be lonely all on that big scary ride." I joke in my baby voice, while reaching up to kiss him.

"Ok, Ew Ew and double Ew (A/N lol points to you if you get that reference!) Break it up lovebirds, get a room, some of us are trying to be sad lonely bitter people here!" One of my best friends, Theodore Parks, speaks up, he's super sweet and fun and I've known him forever!

"Yes I know I know, we'll stop haha." I laughed while moving away from Max, Theo reaches out and hugs me once I get close enough.

"Hi Max, sorry to interrupt you guys, but you know how tough it is in these streets" he starts his academy award winning fake cry, " for a beautiful, strong successful queen like myself to find a man?! I can't even begin to explain!"

Both me and Max start clapping as Theo bows.

"Thank you, thank you! You all are so wonderful!!! Now let's go see if Lilith is on the bus!" We start to walk down the stairs and out the school when I pull Theo aside.

"What's up?"

"Nothing I just wanted to make sure you knew that you don't need a man to be amazing, you're great by yourself."

"Aww thanks sweetie and I know I'm a strong, independent man, I don't need a man, just like the pussycat dolls said."

"Oh NO, don't start singing please!"

"Lol I won't don't worry, I need at least two hours to prepare myself for that." He smiles. He takes my arm and we get on the bus, I immediately see the long pink hair of my other best friend Lilith Washington, she always has a different hair color and I've known her for years as well. She's the wild card of the group, always ready for anything. I see her talking to Ryan, one of Max's friends  and her boyfriend before she suddenly turns and sees me.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!! Elle!!! I've missed you!! " she says while running to come hug me.

"I've missed you too babes, how are you?"

"Oh I'm better now, I'm so glad to be done with that cold, I couldn't come to school for two weeks. But enough about me.."

She drags me to sit down, I see Max and Theo sitting with Ryan, probably talking about sports or something.

"How are you and Max, you guys finally got together!"

"What do you mean finally, there was nothing happening with me and Max before."Ok I may be lying just a tad bit, she didn't need to know that!

"Oh come on, you guys were super shy with each other, it was an extreme case of will they won't they? Come on babes you know it and I know it."

"Ok fine you're right like usual haha, we're great, I feel comfortable and at ease with him, I'm just really happy."

"I'm glad you're happy, that's all I want for you." She smiles at me.

"Thanks Lilly, it means a lot." I smile, we lean in for a hug and then she pulls back

"Ok enough sappy feelings, let's get ready for the best day of our life, FOOD glorious FOOD."

"A woman after my own heart, I love you!" I exclaim.

We laugh and get to talking about what we want to eat when we reach the amusement park.

We finally reach the amusement park and all the guys jump up from their seats and rush out of the bus and run like fire is chasing them. Yelling and hollering like wild children.

"Ugh boys can be so childish sometimes." Lilly speaks.

"Yeah but we love them." I counter.

"Yup and their cute butts! Come on let's go get that food Elle!" She nods her head.

We walk off the bus with the other girls and immediately run for the cotton candy.

The rest of our day consists of rides and food, me and Lilith are so much we looked like beach balls, while the guys were going on all the different rides. Me and Max went on the Hell fury and man was it intense, I was totally not prepared for it. I almost peed my pants.

It was time for us to start getting back on the bus when Max decided he wanted to stop at one of the gift shops, I'm waiting outside with my bags of goodies when I see him come out with a huge stuffed bear, it has nice golden fur and a pink ribbon tied into a bow around its neck.

"WOW, that thing is huge!" I reach out and touch the soft bear.

"Yeah, well it's for you, I just wanted to get you something that you could cuddle with that would remind you of me." He mentions while blushing.

"Aww baby, thank you! That's so sweet I love it." I lean up to kiss him on the cheek. We get on to the bus and sit next to each other, holding hands, while looking out the window at the setting ombre sky, listening to the ouran highschool host club's ending song. What an amazing end to a perfect day.

When I got home, I spent a little time with my grandparents and then went immediately upstairs to go take a shower and change into some comfy clothes and lie down on my bed. Ugh it feels amazing to just lie down and not think about anything for a bit. My phone starts to ring and I immediately flip on to my stomach and answer it, knowing exactly who it is.

"Hello princess, how are you?" His deep voice rings through the phone.

"Hi, I'm good, how about yourself?"

"I'm good, just a bit tired. I might go to sleep early."

"Really? YOU? The king of I go to sleep super late? You're going to bed early, wow the world must be ending"

"Ha ha very funny, I'm exhausted and my throat hurts from all that screaming."

"Yeah mine as well, as well as a stomach ache from all that food I ate today."

"Well maybe we should both get some rest. Goodnight Elle, sleep tight."

"Goodnight Max, sweet dreams."

We hang up and I grab my new teddy bear and get comfy in my blankets and turn off the lights, cuddling into the bear, having sweet dreams about the day I just had full of events.

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