Chapter 8: Prom frenzy

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While we're getting used to saying I love you's, our entire grade was getting ready for prom. Ah yes, prom, the one night where you get all dressed up and dance the night away. It's every little girl's dream. WRONG, it's only a dance for a couple of hours and most of the time people aren't really dancing. Or so I've heard from my older friends. I'm not opposed to prom, I actually enjoy the prom-proposals, it's cute that someone did a lot of work to ask you to prom.

Well everyone is ecstatic, except Lilith, she's freaking out and it all has to do with Ryan, her boyfriend and one of Max's best friends. She was currently pacing back and forth in my room, as me and Theo looked at her.

"Why hasn't he asked me yet? I mean what's the big deal you know? We're in a relationship now. OH NO! What if he doesn't want to take me to prom because of Jess?" She pulls at her hair.

"Honey, calm down, why wouldn't he take you to prom just because of Jess?" Theo asks, confused.

"Well, cause she's my ex-girlfriend, and recently we've been trying to fix our friendship and he knows that but what if he's jealous or angry? I mean wouldn't he try to talk to me about that stuff?"

"Yeah he would, babe I don't think you should worry, Maybe he's just trying to come up with a grand scheme prom-posal!" I said while leaning against my favorite pillow.

"Yeah, just give him some time sweetie, he'll eventually ask you, don't worry about it." Theo states while standing up. "Well I'm hungry, who wants popcorn!?" He concludes.

"Yeah, I could eat." Lily answers.

"Yeah me too!" I call out once he leaves my room and I get up to hug Lilly.

"Hey don't worry, I haven't gotten asked yet either."

"Yeah, well at least you don't have an ex interfering in your boyfriend's decision-making." She looks down at the floor. "I just wish I could know what he was thinking you know? Like I wish I could get into his head." She looks at the ground.

"Yeah I know what you mean but I doubt he's angry at you, he would need a reason." I reassure her.

"Yeah you're right." She agrees.

Theo walks back in with a huge bowl of popcorn and sits down right next to us.

"Ok ladies, let's get in formation and talk about dresses, what dresses are you guys wearing and I need shoe pics stat!" He claps his hands

We laugh and start talking about ideas for prom dresses and our shoe choices. Eventually both Lily and Theo leave and I decide to just chill out a bit.

I was just lounging around on my bed when my phone dinged. I pick it up and see it's a text from Lilith.

From Lilith to Elle: HE ASKED ME TO PROM!! LOOK!!

Downloading pictures....

I see three pictures, the first is her garage with post it notes, spelling out Will you go to prom with me and be the Bonnie to my Clyde? And Ryan dressed up as Clyde, holding a bouquet of flowers. The next pictures are of Lilith and Ryan posing for a picture together. I quickly type out a response.

To Lilith from Elle: Congrats babes!! I knew he would do it! Enjoy this moment!

I put my phone down and giggled to myself, our plan worked, she had no idea that we knew the entire time. Thank God.

Recently, I've been kind of busy with School and planning my schedule for next year, and so has Max, so it would have made sense for us to not really see each recently. But when I came to school today he handed me a note and said,

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