Chapter 29: Surprise! Part 1

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I waddled over to my window and pushed back the curtains. I looked down and saw Max! I couldn't believe it. I rubbed my eyes, trying to make sure that I was actually seeing Max and not just imagining him.

I opened my Windows and he stopped throwing the pebbles.

"Max! What are you doing here?" I looked at my clock and saw that it was 4:30 p.m.

"Can I come up?" I nodded my head and he moved to climb up to my window. I backed up and let him hop inside my room. I hugged him just as tightly as he did to me and I cried, letting all the tears out.

"I missed you so much."

"Are you ok?

"Yeah how did you get here?"

"Your grandparents and father helped." I pulled back and gave a watery laugh.

"No wonder my dad and grandparents were acting weird." I chuckled. I leaned up and kissed him, happy to have him in my arms once again.

I was content in his arms as we just stood there holding each other and enjoying the other's body warmth. I felt a trickle down my leg and backed away from Max, as the trickle continued. I hunched over as a huge wave of pain came over me.

"Elle what's wrong?!"

"I think my water broke. I think I'm in labor."

"But it's two weeks early!"

"I don't think she cares." I pant trying to take in huge deep breaths.

"Owww!" We should get to a hospital."

"Wait, we have to time them! The contractions have to be five minutes apart before we can go to the hospital. That's when you'll be in active labor."

"Ok, good thinking." He helped me sit down on my bed as I tried to breathe through the pain. I felt another contraction and he started the timer. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it almost to the point of breaking it, as the contraction came to an end. A couple minutes later I got another one almost as painful as the first one.

"How far apart are they?" I managed to say through gritted teeth.

"About seven minutes. Yeah I think we should start getting to the hospital." He helped me up and we went downstairs to find my parents and go to the hospital.

Once we reached downstairs we couldn't find anyone so we walked to the kitchen but then I had another contraction and it was more painful then the others.

"Owwww....Yeah No you continue I'm gonna stay here." I said breathy.

"Are you sure? Alright I'll just be a sec don't worry." He rubbed my back. He ran off into the kitchen and I could hear him telling my family that I was going into labor.

He ran back out and rubbed my back and gave me his hand to grab, just as I was having a contraction.

"Oww! Oww! This really hurts!" I squeezed his hand, breathing harder.

"Ok we need to get to the hospital!" My dad started walking towards me. He started calling out directions for people to do.

"Max! You take Elle to the car and William will drive you to the hospital."

Max led me outside as I tried to take deep calming breaths. We got inside the car and were off to the hospital.

Once we made it, we checked in and went straight to our private room where I changed into a hospital gown and got on to the bed. Max came closer to me and held my hand before the nurse came in and hooked me up to the monitor and stuck an IV in my arm.

The doctor came in once the nurse left and checked to see how dilated I was.

"Ok so you're about six centimeters dilated! It shouldn't be long now." She got up and patted my leg before leaving.

"Do you want to get an epidural?" Max kissed the top of my hand.

"I don't know, I mean the pain hurts but I don't think it's at the level of me wanting it yet." Now I guess it's just a waiting game until the baby comes.

For about two hours I was in intense pain, I moaned and whined and bit pillows to try and keep calm and distracted from the pain, until it was finally time to push.

"Ok Elle I want you to push your head into your neck, take a deep breath and then push." The doctor looked up at me. I grabbed Max's hand and pushed with all my might.

"Good job, breathe...Ok once more."

I pushed again and felt like my crotch was on fire.

"Ugh it burns!"

"Yeah you're feeling the ring of fire, It's when the baby is crowning. Ok big push."

I pushed and took in a deep breath.

"Hold on, don't push......Ok give me tiny little pushes, not too strong ok."

I nodded my head and tried not to push, after a few seconds the doctor spoke up.

"Ok the top of her shoulders are out you can push again."

I dug in deep and pushed even though I felt exhausted.

"Ok! One more push! You got this Elle come on!!!"

I took in a deep breath and pushed with a strong force.

"It's a girl indeed!! Hi sweet thing! Time of birth 7:30 p.m. Date of birth December 20th"

I looked over at Max with tears running down my face to see Max crying as well. The doctor put the baby on my chest and I immediately scooped down and grabbed her hugging her tight to my body. I kissed her face and head as Max was touching her arms and kissing Her face and my forehead.

"You did such an amazing job Elle, well done!" The doctor told me.

"I'm so proud of you babe, you did an amazing job!" Max kissed my lips.

The nurse came to pick the baby up to clean her and both Max and I watched her until she came back and put our baby in my arms.

"She's a beauty! Congratulations!!"

"Thank you!" Me and Max went back to looking at our new addition. I'm so helplessly in love with her and I know Max is too.

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