Chapter 10: The family dinner

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On the way to the restaurant I was nervous, I mean hella nervous, I've never had a guy meet my parents, let alone had a boyfriend meet my parents. Ok just keep calm, we'll have a quick dinner and then try to get out of there as fast as we can and everything will be ok. No, I can't do that. He probably really wants to meet my parents. I mean I've never told him too much about them, I turn to my left and look at Max driving,

"What's wrong?" He looks at me. I look in front of me and see that we're at a stop light and I turn to look at him.

"Nothing, nothing's wrong sweetie." I smiled trying to seem alright. He looked at me skeptical but nodded a bit and continued driving once the light turned green. We were following my parents, since they knew where the restaurant was.

We parked our car behind them and got out. I looked at the building that was on my right. Founding Farmers, it's a nice restaurant. I'm excited about that at least.

"Ok we made reservations here, so come on let's go inside." My mother said while grabbing my arm. I looked behind me to make sure I didn't leave Max behind, but it's alright my father pulled him along as well. We got inside the restaurant and sat down at our reserved table. Max and I next to each other, my sisters on my right and my parents in front of me. We ordered and started to eat.

"So, young man, tell me about yourself." My father spoke up suddenly. Max looks up and sits up straight.

"Well sir, my name is Maximilian James and I'm 18 years old. I have four siblings two older and two younger. Next year I will be going to USC and I plan on majoring in business to become a CEO of a company." My dad nodded.

"Great! It's great that you know what you want to do, not many people your age know what they want to do. That's good, so how long have you and my daughter been going out?" He looks at both of us.

"For about 10 months, so almost a year." I nodded my head as he spoke. My father and mother start smiling.

"Well I think I'm satisfied, you're a nice young man who seems bright, hopefully you're treating my daughter well."

"Yes sir I am."

"Dad, he is, can you please stop pestering him. You're embarrassing me." I blush. He laughs slightly.

"I'm just trying to find out more about my little girl's boyfriend. And don't think you're off the hook young lady I haven't heard from you in a while."

"I've been busy, I'm sorry." He shakes his head and laughs.

"It's nothing big, I just wanted to make sure you weren't losing the time for your old man here!" I groan and shake my head while the whole table laughs. "Sweetheart have you found an apartment near your school?" My mom asks.

"Yeah I did and it's nice, a one bedroom apartment and it's walking distance from the campus, I'm really happy with it."

"When are you moving in?" She asks.

"Um, I don't know yet but maybe next month?" She nods her head and continues eating.

My sisters try to tease me and Max during the whole dinner.

"Hey Max did you know you're Elle's first boyfriend ever?" Sandra laughs.

"Yeah so be really gentle with her." Alexa chimes in. He chuckles and nods.

"Guys come on, please stop." They start laughing even harder.

We eat and talk and laugh for the remainder of the dinner. We walk out with my family and say our goodbyes.

"Ok guys well be safe driving home and Max be careful with my little baby there." My father tells Max, I shake my head.

"I will sir, it was nice meeting you, thank you for inviting me to dinner."

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