Chapter 3: New friendships & stress

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Max and I have been hanging out a lot recently and have become closer than ever before. We've gone to the movies, gone to concerts and have even studied together. It's been three weeks of having fun but now I've got to get back down to business and study my butt off. Us seniors have final exams coming up next week and I'm totally stressing.

I've been in the library for the most part just reviewing my notes and planning out my living situation for Princeton. Speaking of Princeton, I'm gonna have to get an apartment since I can't risk people finding out I'm a princess, news spreads fast when you're on a campus with lots of students. I really just want to go to school without people bothering me about my royalty.

I was just looking for apartments on my laptop in the library when I saw Max walking towards me.

"Hey, how are you surviving?" He smiled at me.

"I'm barely making it, exams and college have me freaked out, I'm this close to pulling out my hair!" I whisper. He pulls out one of the chairs out from under the desk and sits down.

"I know what you mean, I had an all-nighter last night. I could surely use some coffee, do you want some?"

"Yes please"

"Your regular latte?"

"Yes" I reply while laughing. Man I sure could use some fun or just something to distract me. I turn back my attention to apartment hunting and await my silky smooth latte to come wake me up.

10 minutes later Max comes back with two coffee cups and two medium brown paper bags. He gave me my cup of coffee while sitting down.

"I got us some croissants since it seems like we're gonna be here a while, we should have a little snack to give us some energy." I nod my thanks and sip on my coffee. I don't care what anyone says. The coffee vending machine is a blessing!

"Ugh, I can't believe it's only Tuesday, I'm not gonna make it." I say putting my head in my hands

"I know but yes you can, and you will you're Elle Anderson you got this!" I look up at him after he says this and give him a grateful look.

"Thanks man, I really needed that, you got this too! Don't worry!" He smiles back at me and he grabs his laptop to try and help me apartment hunt.

After school was done and I had reached home I dropped onto my bed and snuggled into my favorite violet plush comforter.

"I don't wanna get out of bedddddd." I groan out. I have to though. I need to change out of these jeans and t-shirt and get into my comfy pajama pants and my favorite howl's moving castle shirt. I summon the strength to get out of my bed and walk to my closet. I quickly change and decide to go downstairs to the kitchen and make myself a snack.

I wave to my grandmother who is doing yoga in the living room and decide that my sweet tooth is really kicking in. I get into the kitchen and pick out a huge plate that has roses on it (my favorite one). I go to my pantry and pull out Oreos and my favorite marshmallows, Smashmallows! Specifically the s'mores flavor and the strawberry and cream one. I get a butter knife and separate the top of the Oreo, making sure the cream is still intact, I put one of the marshmallows on the cream and repeat that process for three more Oreos. After I put them in the microwave for 15 seconds I take them out and put the tops on the Oreos making it kind of like s'mores. I reach into the fridge and grab my favorite pink lemonade and take my plate and walk back upstairs.

I set my plate and lemonade down and grab my plush turquoise blanket from my chair before opening my laptop and getting started on my work. Three hours later and it's getting dark outside. I stretch and get out of my chair, to close my blinds and turn on my lights. I look at my clock hanging on the wall and see that it's 9:00 pm. I should probably wrap up my studying for today and get some much needed sleep.

I was just about to open my door and go downstairs when I heard my phone ringing. I rushed back into my room and picked it up to see that it's Max calling me. I answer the phone.

"Hey Elle"

"Hey Max, what's up?"

"I'm stressed and a mess ha ha, how about you?"

"Same I think I just ate half my bodyweight in Oreo smores"

"Really? Hahahaha, I wish I had some sweets. I ate them all yesterday. Man, I really need some sleep I've been laughing at basically nothing."

"Aww that sucks Bruh, you should get some sleep, did you finish all your studying?"

"Yeah I'm glad to say I actually did, how about you?"

"Yeah I just finished right before you called me." Looking at my clock I realized it's 9:30 we've been talking for 30 minutes, and I really need to go to sleep.

"I know I know you're about to say we should go to sleep" he says while laughing.

"What? How did you know?"

"Cause I know you Elle, you're all about having a bedtime ha ha, but yeah we should go to sleep."

"Ok Mr. Know-it-all haha, get some sleep, night night."

"Night, Elle." After hanging up I went to say goodnight to my grandparents and then got into my bed and went straight to sleep.

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