Chapter 20: Book smart

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Ugh I'm irritated. You wanna know why I'm irritated? Well we're in August now and it's extremely hot in Chicago. I've been wearing sweaters to keep people from finding out I'm pregnant, but I'm literally burning to death. Ugh I can't take it. It's so hot. Secondly, Max. He's been reading baby books and pregnancy books and he is totally driving me up the walls with how crazy he makes me. I can't do anything without him being like that's not good for the baby, or do this for the baby. I know he's excited about the baby but seriously he's driving me crazy. And it's not helping since I'm starting to get mood swings. My doctor told me that it's perfectly ok to have mood swings as we get closer to the pregnancy ending.

I struggled a bit to get out of bed, now that I had a medium sized bump, that can definitely tell people I'm pregnant and not fat. I walk over to my calendar and see that I've officially hit 22 weeks and my baby is the size of a spaghetti squash. I placed little stickers of fruit on my calendar so I could tell what fruit or vegetable size my baby was.

I stood in front of my mirror and looked at my stomach. Oh YEAH, another cool thing is the baby started to move and kick.

One week ago...

I was at home chilling with Max, when I got up to go get some chips. When I stood up, I felt like a cricket had run across my stomach.

"Max!!" I exclaimed holding my hand against my stomach. He immediately got up and ran towards me.

"What's wrong? Is something happening to the baby?" He said worried.

"I think the baby kicked..." I said in awe with tears in my eyes. The baby app told me that the baby would kick soon and that it would feel really light at first. I guess that's what it is, my baby kicking.

"Ooh, there it goes again!" I quickly grabbed Max's hand and put it against my stomach. The baby decided to kick and Max yelled,

"OMG he kicked!! Hey buddy, hey there!" He cooed to my stomach.

End of flashback...

Yeah ever since that moment, Max had been talking to my stomach and trying to feel the baby quick. I'm ok with that, it's just the nonstop worrying, that's driving me mad. I quickly finish changing into my regular sweats and walk downstairs, just in time for the doorbell to ring.

I open the door and find Max outside. I lean up to kiss him and hug him.

"You know, stretching seems a bit dangerous baby, next time let me lean down to kiss you." He states. I roll my eyes and walk back into my house and sit down on the couch. He follows my lead and puts his arm around me.

After thirty minutes, Max speaks.

"I'm hungry. You want something to eat?" He looks at me. I nod my head and try to get up when he stops me.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'll do it, I don't want you putting any strain on your body. By the way..." He mentions while getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

"Watching too much t.v. is not good for the baby. We should try to do things like light yoga and reading to the baby. It'll help the baby respond to things better and faster." He continues. I sighed and try to take deep relaxing breaths.

He came back with two plates of sandwiches and two drinks. I thanked him and started eating. I was hunched over when Max tapped my shoulder. I rolled my eyes before I turned to look at him.

"Yes?" I looked at him.

"It's bad for you to be hunched up like that, you're squishing the baby." He stated. I moved to get up.

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