Chapter 7: The L word

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I'm pacing around my room right now and you're probably wondering why, well it's because me and Max haven't told each other I love you. I know what you're thinking, you don't have to say it if you're not ready Elle! But I am ready and I want to tell him that I love him. I mean I've said things like I love it or I love that but I've never said I love you! I mean that's a huge thing to consider. I mean I want to say it in the perfect way I just don't know how to.

It's a bright sunny Saturday and here I am being stressed out about saying I love you. I should just say that I love him. Ok great plan that sounds easy enough. I pull out my phone from my back pocket and make a three way call between Lily and Theo, I need expert advice.

"Hello, what's up you're distracting me from my brownies babe." Answers Theo.

"Yeah and I was watching The Bold Type." Lily adds on.

"Yeah well I'm about to tell Max that I love him for the first time so I think this is more important."

"OMG TELL US EVERYTHING!!!" They both scream.

"Well I haven't yet but I want to I mean we've been dating since September and it's May that's a whole seven months of dating, shouldn't we have said it yet?"

"Yeah, but maybe he's nervous it's alright to be nervous, what if he doesn't know if you'll say it back?" Theo inquires.

"That's a great question Theo. I mean he seems like he wants to say something whenever we're together but he never says it."

"Yeah but you should say it declare your love for him loud and PROUD!! I believe in you!" Lily states excitedly.

"Thanks Lilly! Ok guys I have to go. I'm meeting up with him for a picnic."

"Ok Elle you go girl" Theo cheers.

"Yup, you're totally gonna nail this I believe in you!" Lily exclaims once more.

"Bye guys thanks love you!" I state through the phone.

I hang the phone up and get ready to leave my house.

I drive to the park and see in the distance that Max has already set up the picnic blanket and the food. I get out of my car and run towards him.

"Max!" I call out to him as I jump into his arms and he catches me. I kiss him and get down from his embrace.

"Hi there babe, you seem so happy."

"Of course I'm always happy to see you Max!"

We sit down to enjoy our picnic and eat, enjoying the scenery. While eating our desserts I see him looking out into the open field and I speak up.

"Hey... Max.. there's something I've been meaning to say for a while now." He turns to look at me, waiting for me to go on. I try to say words when suddenly I feel a drop of water on my arm and then many others.

"Oh it's starting to rain, come on, let's get into my car." Max says while getting up. Then the rain starts pouring, we're both racing to pack up the things from the picnic and get into the car before we both get too wet. We finally make it into the car and realize we are soaked. Max turns around in his seat to look in the back.

"I think I have a couple of towels in here, hold on." He hands me a towel and we both try to dry off. I just sit there angrily after attempting to dry off. He stops and looks at me.

"What's wrong?" He asks confused.

"What's wrong? Well I'll tell you, this was supposed to be an amazing picnic where I was going to tell you I love you and now it's ruined, the rain ruined my perfect moment." I finished my rant slightly panting out of breath. He stared at me before breaking out laughing, at first I didn't know what's so funny, until I started laughing. He stops laughing and cups my face.

"Babe you don't need a perfect moment, this right here is perfect, being with you makes any moment perfect." I stare at him and finally say what I've been wanting to say.

"Max, I love you, no one's ever made me feel like this before, and I'm truly happy being with you. I love you." He smiles at me, still cupping my face.

"I love you too Elle, always have always will." And leans in to kiss me, as the rain pounds on the Windows of the car.

So maybe this moment really was perfect, Maybe what they say about rain is true. It really is good luck.

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