Chapter 25: Trouble

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"Elle Alison Anderson, I am so angry with you!" Mom shouted out of the phone.

I stopped breathing.

"What were you thinking! Oh my gosh I have never been this mad before!"

I gulped. Max looked at me from across the room and came over.

"Is it your mom?" He mouthed.

I nodded my head.

"Elle, tell me the entire truth right now!"

"I'm pregnant." I sat down on the couch.

"Yeah I got that! How did you let this happen to you?!"

"It was an accident. These things happen sometimes."

"NO Elle NO! These things don't just happen! Did you not use protection?!"

"I did, It's just that the condom broke or the birth control didn't work."

She inhaled and took a deep breath in.

"How far along are you?"

"About eight months, almost nine."

"So you waited until the end of the pregnancy to tell me that you were pregnant?! Why Elle?!"

"Because I was scared! Ok! Because I was scared to tell you! I knew you were going to blow up in my face like this and I was just trying to get ready for that."

"Of course I'm going to blow up in your face! You got pregnant when we sent you there so that you could live your life away from attention and somehow you manage to get attention. Did you even consider how this is going to affect your life?! No you didn't because you're still a little kid trying to act like a grown up and now you have to become a grown up! Is Max at least taking responsibility?! He better be because I don't approve of him not doing anything! You better prepare yourself because I'm coming over there! You clearly have proven to me that you need a parent to be there and watch over you." She hung up the phone.

Tears poured out of my eyes and I completely broke down. Max hugged me tight to himself and moved us to my room. He held me all through the night as I cried my eyes out.

The next morning I woke up and went to go take a shower. I was kind of in a daze just thinking about what my mom said to me. It really hurt my feelings but I guess I was just going to have to get ready for her arrival. I wonder if she's going to bring dad along.

I came out of my bathroom and saw Max still sleeping on my bed. I decided not to disturb him and got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen to drink some tea. After about an hour Max came down the stairs.

"Good morning." He came and kissed my cheek before walking into the kitchen to grab a mug and the coffee pot. He walked back out and sat down next to me.

"Good morning Max. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept fine thank you. How about yourself?"

"Not so good, I'm still thinking about what happened yesterday."

"What did your mom say on the phone? I didn't hear anything."

"She said she's coming here because "obviously I need a parent watching over me constantly" or something like that. All I know is that she's hella pissed off at me."

"Wow....that's intense. What can I do?"

"I don't think there's anything anyone can do. I mean at this point she might drug me and give the baby away or she might kill me I don't know. All I know is that I really have to be prepared when she comes home and that means I can't have you over. Even though she is pissed at me, she's also pissed at you for doing this to me." I rubbed my belly.

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