Chapter 27: Oh Canada

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I sit in my seat on the airplane, wiping away at my eyes. My mom was sitting opposite to me and was reading something off her tablet.


"I don't want to talk to you, let's just stay silent until we reach Canada. I'm not in the mood."

She sighed and then looked back down on her tablet. I decided that if I'm not talking, I should get some rest so that I can figure out what to do in Canada to get back home.

A couple of hours later we reached Canada. I stretched once I got up and followed my mom out of the plane. We got into the royal car and drove off towards the palace.

"Alexa! Sandra! We're home!" Mom called out once we entered the palace. I wasn't in the mood to see my sisters so I just walked away from my mom trying to go to my room.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room mother." I continued walking to my room. Once I reached the top of the stairs I was slightly out of breath. Man I forgot how many stairs there were. I should have taken the elevator. I walked down the hall and opened my bedroom door. It was exactly the same from when I was last here. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes fast asleep. I guess I was more exhausted than I thought.

Two hours later I woke up to knocking on my door.

"Come in!" I moved to sit up right. My sisters open the door and come and sit on my bed.

"Wow...You're actually pregnant. I mean sure mom told us but I don't think it prepared us for actually seeing you." Sandra stated.

"Yeah well tada! Here I am, pregnant."

"You're really grouchy and I completely understand it wasn't fair of mom to just pull you out of Chicago like that." Alexa sympathized with me.

"Yeah well there's nothing I can do now but try to get back home or at least get Max here. By the way, how did mom find out?"

"Well, I first saw the snapchat story..." Alexa started.

"But by then social media was going crazy posting pictures of it everywhere! By the time me and Alexa understood what was happening, we heard mom scream and figured she must have seen it. The past few weeks were like a madhouse! She was super busy just trying to get a hold of whoever took that picture and trying to get a hold of you as well." Sandra finished.

"Yikes. That must have been terrible."

"But how are you holding up? How are things with mom?" Sandra asked.

"I'm not talking to her? I don't want to hear what she has to say, she totally hurt me and I don't think that's something I could just get over quickly." They both nodded their heads.

"Shoot! What about dad?! Is he, is he angry?" I looked down at my lap.

"We don't know he's been away on business. He apparently returns today." Alexa answered. I nodded my head and looked out my window.

"Well we just wanted to say hi and see how you were, we're going to be watching a movie if you're down, come watch it with us." Sandra got up from my bed along with Alexa.

"Nah, I'm not really in the mood... WAIT you guys have your phones RIGHT?!" I sat up straighter.

"Nope, unfortunately as soon as mom found out she took away our phones, we haven't gotten them back yet." Alexa sighed.

"UGH! I can't just stay here all cooped up! I need to talk to Max!!" I laid back down on my back.

"I know it sucks. But we're here to help, whatever you need." Sandra patted my leg while Alexa nodded.

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