Chapter 13: See you later

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Hey guys! This chapter is back to Elle's point of view but don't worry! I'll have more chapters that are about other characters points of views.

It's been a couple of weeks since I dropped my family off at the airport and things went back to normal. Max was out of town, visiting his college and getting acquainted with it. He's been sending snaps of the place and what he's doing. Today, I really didn't have anything planned. I was just gonna chill at home. I had just finished cooking breakfast when my doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw Lilith, her hair no longer pink, instead it was black. I've only seen her hair be a normal color if something serious was going on.

"Lilith what's wrong?" I pulled her inside. She took off her shoes and spoke.

"Nothing's wrong, why?" I looked at her

"The last time I saw your hair a normal color was after Jess broke up with you and you cried for days. So what's wrong." She sighed,

"Nothing, I've just been feeling different recently, I mean I'm tired all the time and hungry all the time..." I cut her off,

"Lilly, don't tell me..... are you....?" She burst out laughing.

"What? No, there's no possibility since I'm on my period right now. It's just that I guess I miss Ryan. He's been so busy, with packing and moving to California, and so I find myself in my room just eating and then falling asleep, it goes on and on like a cycle."

"So what you're telling me is that you miss him right?" I laugh.

"I a way... I miss his face....And his laugh...And his warm hugs.. ok fine I miss him happy!?" I laugh even harder.

"Was that so hard to say?" She finally looks at my plate that's sitting on the table.

"Are you gonna share?" Giving me the puppy eyes. I just roll my eyes and nod my head, grabbing another plate. We talk for three more hours and she announces that she has to go home and get ready for her college visit, she's going to Canada for school.

Looking around my living room after locking the door, I decide to have a fun pamper night, since I'm the only one in the house because my grandparents went on a road trip to New York. I quickly ran upstairs and put on a face mask. I go downstairs and put in a movie and gather my favorite snacks, popcorn, gummy worms, oreos, ice cream and pink lemonade. I settle all the snacks on the table and grab a blanket from the box next to the couch. I was just about to press play when my phone started to ring.

I looked and saw Max was calling me.

"Hello baby!"

"God I miss you, how are you?" I laughed,

"I'm good, having myself a pamper night, how are you? How's the school? Do you like it over there?"

"Yeah! It's amazing, I met a ton of new people and I got my apartment keys and I'm just in awe of how much I love it here."

"That's nice, I'm glad you're having fun. What are you up to right now?"

"Oh I'm about to go to sleep."

"WHAT? But it's only.." I turned to look at the clock. "It's only nine o'clock."

"Yeah I know but I'm exhausted and we have to wake up early, also I'm going to try and look for my new football coaches."

"Ok, well goodnight I guess."

"Goodnight babe I love you."

"I love you too." He hangs up and I go back to playing my movie. I hope he doesn't get too lonely when I go to visit college, hahaha.

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