Chapter 28: I want my baby back!

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Max's point of view! From when Elle told him her parents found out about the baby to when he couldn't contact Elle!

I watched her just standing there in shock, not really saying much to whoever was on the phone. I walked closer and asked if it was the person we were dreading having to tell our news to.

"Is it your mom?" I silently mouthed. She nodded her head in response. I could see unshed tears welling up in her eyes. I put my hand on her arm, rubbing it up and down to see if that would make her feel better.

She hung up the phone and started breaking down tears falling down her face. I immediately held her close to me. I walked her up the stairs to her room, trying to just be here. I'm guessing her mom took the news really badly.

Once we reached her room I laid down on the bed trying to get her to feel better by cuddling together and just letting her know that I'm here for her.

I felt her breath even out after about an hour. I closed my eyes and just hoped that tomorrow she would feel a little bit better.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I felt around for Elle's body, but couldn't find her. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen, seeing her sitting at the table. She looked better, determined even. She told me that she had to get ready for her mom's visit since her mom was coming to see her. She asked that I kind of keep a distance since her mom was kind of pissed off at me for getting Elle pregnant.

I hugged her and wished her good luck and to keep me updated on what's going on while her mother was here. I drove back home and talked to my parents a bit just to catch up with them.

Ok so It's been about two days and Elle hasn't texted me back. That's completely weird because she always texts me or at least calls me. So I'm panicking. I'm walking back and forth in my bedroom trying to figure out what's wrong. I told my family and they're all worried about her. Something serious could be happening. I need to find out.

Just then my phone rang and I jumped on it.


"Hi Max dear."

"Elle's grandmother?"

"You can call me Angela dear." She chuckled. (A/N I don't know if I named the grandma but that's her name.)

"Hi, I'm sorry I shouted at you. I'm just waiting for Elle to call me."

"It's alright dear, and I'm afraid that won't happen, Elle got her phone taken away by her mother. But don't worry me and Daniel will be keeping you updated so you know what's happening. Right now her mom wants to take Elle back to Canada."

"WHAT?! But she can't. I need to be around! For Elle and our daughter!"

"We understand that, that's why Daniel and I are going to buy a plane ticket for you to Canada so that you can catch her there."

"What I couldn't..."

"Yes you can, don't worry about it. Just make sure you get there and see her and be there with her."

"Yes of course. Thank you so much Angela. I can never pay you back enough for this."

"Don't worry about it just go and save Elle from her mother." She chuckled.

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I guess I'm on the way to Canada.

I told my parents and siblings and that all reinforced that I go to Canada. I packed my bags and waited for Angela to give me the plane ticket.

The next day I arrived at Elle's grandmother's house and received the plane ticket. Both Angela and Daniel informed me that she had just left for Canada. I thanked them once again and headed home to get my bags and headed to the airport.

Once I had reached Canada I called a taxi to take me to a hotel where I would be staying. I got my key card for my room and went up the elevator to my suite. I opened my door and laid down on the bed, when my phone started to ring. It was Elle's dad calling.

"Hello Mike."

"Good afternoon Max. I'll get straight to why I'm calling. I know about the baby and about Elle coming to Canada. I myself am coming back home from a business trip. I was told by my parents that you are in Canada, yes?"

"Yes sir I am."

"Good, I'm glad. Now I'm not alright completely with her having a baby this young but I know you promised to take care of her and from what my parents have told me I'm guessing you truly are. I don't agree with her mother just taking her out of Chicago like this but we have to understand that my wife is just trying to protect Elle, even if not in the correct way. Now I'm going to have someone come and pick you up and drop you off at the palace, so that you can talk to Elle. You might have to sneak around to find her window. Her curtains are a light blue, no one else has those color curtains."

"Thank you sir and indeed I am taking care of Elle. I wouldn't let anything happen to her or our baby."

"I'm glad that you won't. Now get ready I'll have someone pick you up soon. Goodbye Max."

"Goodbye Mike, thank you for everything."

"Not a problem, anything to make my little elephant happy."

We hung up and I got ready to leave.

Five minutes later I got a text from Mike saying that the car was downstairs. I don't know how he knew where I was but I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that he's a king.

I got in the car and it drove me to the palace. It's so huge!! How was I ever going to find Elle. The car stopped around the back of the palace and I got out, thanking the driver. I walked for a bit looking at the Windows and then something caught my eyes. It was light blue curtains!

I looked at the ground trying to find pebbles and small rocks to throw at her window. But the ground was covered with snow. I mean it was almost Christmas, and had been snowing since Elle got here, especially in Chicago.

I prayed that Elle was in her room as I started throwing the pebbles at her window...

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