Chapter 15: Living my best life

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Hey guys! It's been a while, sorry about that, I was thinking up some ideas for the next couple of chapters. With out further ado, enjoy the chapter!- naffi80011

It's been a couple of months since Christmas and New year's eve and we are now in the month of April! Which can only mean one thing for us college students..... SPRING BREAK!!!!!!! I'm flying back and forth between New Jersey and Chicago since I'm spending time with my friends and spending time with my family. I'm in my apartment packing my suitcase, which is overflowing with bikinis and shorts and tank tops. I look at the time on my phone and realize I'm going to be super early to the airport. I can't wait to see Max again. Our relationship has gotten stronger than ever since our heart to heart, and he's feeling much better. We constantly talk on the phone, so I can make sure he's alright. He's going to be waiting at the airport for me, he already came home early for spring break. I pick up my suitcase, grab my keys and answer my message from my uber driver saying he's downstairs.

I get off my plane, realizing how warm it is in April in Chicago. I try not to extort too much energy until I see Max in his black tank and blue shorts. I run and lung at him, kissing his face, repeatedly.

"" between kisses. He laughs.

"I would hope so since I did too." He put me back on my feet and grabbed my suitcase, and we walked to his car.

Once inside, with our seatbelts, I leaned over and kissed him on his lips for a minute. Taking in the signature sweet taste of his lips. He took a deep breath after I leaned back,

"So I see you really missed me huh?" I laughed out loud,

"So what are we doing today?" I questioned him.

"My family is throwing their annual spring break barbecue party and I'm going to the grocery store to buy snacks, you're invited of course. Did you want me to drop you off at home before the party?"

I thought for a second, grandma and grandpa aren't at home for spring break, they're traveling and I'll probably need food and stuff.

"No, I'll just go straight there with you." He nodded his head.

"Alright, off we go!" And started his car pulling out of the airport parking lot.

We made it to the grocery store and got out. Max grabbed a shopping cart and we went inside the store. We grabbed a bunch of chips and soda and some fruit.

"Ooh we should get some s'mores!!!" I excitedly declared as I pulled Hershey chocolate off the shelves and grabbed marshmallows and Graham crackers.

Max was just behind me chuckling, I guess enjoying me getting excited for this barbecue party.

We paid for the snacks and drove to his house and started to step up. We finished setting up and then went upstairs to his room. As we chilled on his couch watching tv, when I leaned to kiss his neck.

"How much time do we have until everyone arrives?" While kissing up to his ear. He took in a breathy breath and answered.

"Um, like two hours? Give or take." I nodded and then asked,

"Do you want to make out?" He looked at me and nodded his head rapidly and I laughed before kissing his lips.

An hour later we went back downstairs to his huge backyard to help his family members continue to set-up. I went to go hang out with Jenn and Tiff, by the pool, while Max was squirting water at his brothers with his water gun, having fun.

Friends and family started to pull in and come to the barbecue party, filling up the backyard with laughter and music. People were hanging out in the pool, others playing with water guns and most of the dad's were hanging around the grill, most likely talking about sports. While the mom's were drinking wine and lounging by the pool.

When Max's dad called out that the hot dogs and hamburgers were ready, everyone raced to eat. After the barbecue, the adults and teens sat to eat the s'mores, while the children ran around with fireworks. I leaned into Max's arms and let out a sigh of content.

"Hey can I stay here tonight?" I whispered in Max's ear. He nodded and kissed my forehead. As we sat looking at the sunset, I just couldn't help but think, what a beautiful end to a beautiful day!

When I woke up the next day, I went to go brush my teeth and fix my bed head and kissed Max's cheek. He stirred a bit and then opened his eyes. He leaned up against his headboard and smiled.

"Ready to go home?" He spoke in his deep sleepy voice.

"Yeah, sorry to wake you up." He laughed,

"It's alright, I'm your ride home hahaha." He moved to get out of his bed and put his shirt and pants on.

I put on my shoes and he grabbed his keys and we went down to his car. We got in and he drove me to my house and I went straight to my car.

"Where are you going?" He asked puzzled,

"I have to go grocery shopping, I don't have any food in the house." He nodded his head and waved goodbye before driving off. I got in my car and drove towards the grocery store.

I parked my car and grabbed a shopping cart, and walked into the store.

I grabbed my snacks and drinks and actual food and then passed by the feminine care aisle and grabbed some tampons and pads, since my period was due soon. I paid for my things and then left the store, making my way to my car to drive home.

I got home and unpacked the groceries from my car and took them into the house, in one trip. And put them where they belonged in the kitchen and went upstairs to my room to take a shower and get dressed in clean comfy clothes and came back downstairs. I sat on the couch and ended up falling asleep.

I sure am living my best life right now!

Sorry this chapter was so short, I promise next chapter will be longer!

Hope you enjoyed!!

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