Chapter 14: Heart to Heart

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It's been a while since college has started and we're about to go on winter break. It's December and it's really cold here in New Jersey, we've even gotten a lot of snow, but not as much as we normally would get in Chicago. Life has been good, college is pretty easy besides the hell that is exam week. I spend most of my time studying and spending time with my friends when we're not too busy. Max and I are good, we've been skyping and calling a lot but he seems off for some reason, like he's really sad, even though he claims he's happy and alright.

It was the last day of my exams and I was planning on going home early, since after exams our winter break starts so if you're done with exams you can leave. I was making my way back to my apartment to finish packing when Jasmine jumped in front of me.

"Hey girl!" She had changed her hairstyle, it was now short and had waves.

"Hi jas, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just getting pumped up to take my last exam, so that I can go home." She was jumping up and down.

"Oh, well good luck! Where are you going back home to?" I wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck, since we were outside the testing building I had just come out of.

"New York City, all my family members are coming to my house to spend the holidays. How about you?"

"Um, I might go back home to Canada to visit my family and then I'll go back to Chicago to spend the rest of my time with my grandparents and boyfriend."

"Nice, lucky you, you get two vacations, one with the family and one with the boyfriend! Oh I have to go l, have to get upstairs and find my test room. Have a happy holiday Elle!" She hugged me and ran off into the building. I smiled and turned around continuing my walk to my apartment. Once I got into my apartment, I started putting the rest of my clothes and things in my bags and realized something. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten breakfast, since I had to get to the testing building early. I finish packing and go into my kitchen, opening the fridge. Pizza, cupcakes, ramen, spaghetti and meatballs, salad, I'll have pizza. I grabbed the pizza box out of the fridge and grabbed two slices, putting them on a plate and putting then in the microwave. While waiting for my food to finish heating up I went into my living room and sat down. I looked to my left, picking up a picture frame, it's a picture of me and Max, him kissing my cheek as I'm smiling so hard my eyes are closed. I miss him, I miss everyone as well, I wish he could just tell me what's wrong. I came out of my thoughts when I heard my microwave beeping. I got up and opened the microwave pulling my plate out. I sat down and started eating before going to the airport.

I've made it to Canada safe and sound. I breathed in the fresh air, now that I was off the plane and went to grab my luggage. I walked outside of the airport and called a taxi, the driver helped me out my luggage in the trunk and I gave him my address. He looked at me in shock and nodded his head speechless.

When I got to the Burkely Palace, I pressed the button for the intercom located in front of the gate and told the taxi driver that he could drop me off here. I paid him and got my luggage and he drove off. The intercom was picked up and a woman spoke.

"Hello how may I help you?"

"Hi, it's Elle Anderson, I'm here to see my parents and family."

"Yes right away your highness." The intercom beeped and the doors opened. I stepped forward, passing the gate so that it wouldn't close in on me. I turned and looked towards the huge palace and I saw a car driving coming towards me. It stopped and the driver stepped out of the car.

"My highness." He bowed and then opened the backseat door.

"Oh you don't need to do all that William, it's fine." I smiled. He grabbed my suitcases and I got into the car. He got back into the car and drove us to the front of the palace. He opened my door and I stepped out of the car and William grabbed my suitcases taking them into the palace.

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