Chapter 11: Tender moments

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I woke up ready and prepared to face the day. I'm gonna take a stand against my mother..... I walked down the stairs and I saw her face and got angry again and totally ignored her.

As I walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge to grab my waffles, she cleared her throat.

"Good morning to you too." I looked over my shoulder.

"Good morning." I went back to putting my waffles in the toaster.

"We need to talk." I turned around and rested my hands on the counter.

"Go ahead." She sits down in front of me at the kitchen island.

"I wanted to talk about yesterday, I didn't mean to talk about Max like that, he must be a sore subject and I'm sorry." Really does she really think that's what I'm mad at?

"Thank you for saying that but that really isn't the issue. The problem is that you came here, not even to visit me or worry about me, instead you came just to tell me you want me to come home. All my friends are here, my boyfriend is here. My life is here. Look mom, you and dad have responsibilities as king and queen in Canada, just like I have responsibilities here to go to college and graduate and get a good job. I'm not a little girl anymore, I can't be available all the time anymore like when I was younger. You need to realize that, and respect me just like I respect you guys."


"But nothing mom, until you can realize that, all of what I just said to you, we can't talk, I'm an adult I deserve to get the same respect that I give you. I'm gonna go over to Max's house. I'll see you later." I walk out of the kitchen, forgetting my waffle, not hungry anymore. I walk up the stairs back into my room. As much as I hate arguing with my mom and not being on good terms, she has to realize I'm not a little girl and that I deserve respect as well. I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to get into my car. I look around and see that my mom is no longer at the island. I guess she went out or something.

When I reached Max's house I parked my car and called his phone. It rang a couple of times before he picked up.

"Hello?" He answered with a sleepy voice, I guess I woke him up.

"Hey sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Um not really, why whats up?"

"So I know this might sound crazy but I'm in your driveway."

"WHAT you are?" I see him looking out his window. He waves at me once he sees me. "Ok, I'll come down, stay there." I open my car door and get out, leaning against it. He opens the front door and jogs to me and picks me up, kissing me.

"Hi there." He smiles,

"Sorry to just show up at your house like this, I just I'm ready to talk if you're still up for it?"

"Yeah of course, I'm always glad to help." He puts me down and we walk into his house and upstairs to his room.

"I'm just so angry you know?"

"Yeah I can tell baby go on." Max had been listening to me ramble on and on about my mom and me fighting.

"I mean I love her, don't get me wrong it's just that she should respect my decisions and choices, I'm an adult just like her. Don't I get to be treated like one."

"Honestly, I don't know if you want my opinion but I think your mom just misses you, I mean haven't you been telling me how it's been a while since she's seen you. Maybe she's afraid that she's missed too many important parts in your life and wants to get to see the next big steps. I mean she came from Canada and found out you have a boyfriend. And not to mention that she and your father purposely came from Canada just to see you graduate. Don't you think that means something?" I stared at him and realized that he was somewhat right, I guess I hadn't seen it from that point of view directly. I make my way over to where he's sitting on the bed and kiss his cheek.

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