Chapter 1

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The soft breeze of the wind blew through her hair, caressing the back of her shoulders. Her head tilted back, gazing up at the sky with her eyes closed as if she could see the stars through the burning rays of the bright sun. And in her mind she could. If she reached out she could touch them, hold them in the palm of her pale hands and drop a wish on each and every one of their bright sparkling beauty. A wish that would set every creature free, every beating heart a reason, and every beaming soul a purpose. But she couldn't, because those stars weren't as close as she wanted them to be, they were further than her mind could process. They weren't resting in the palm of her pale hands, and there was no breeze to soothe her every cell and speck of hair that made her her. Instead, she was left with an emptiness that made her heart squeeze and her eyes fill with tears. A feeling far from what she dreamed to feel.

But that was it. She was just a dreamer. They were all dreams far from her reach.

And apparently far from her professors humor.

"Lilith! Would you please just try to stay awake for at least five minutes in my class?" Her teacher pleaded as he waddled his way to her desk. A heavy sigh left her lips as she lifted her head ever so slowly, her white hair falling onto the flushed pale cheeks of her face in a messy matter. The students around her giggled and pointed, whispering things she's most likely heard plenty of times before. Though, she ignored them no matter how embarrassing it was, as she tilted her head at the teacher and nodded carefully.

"I'm sorry professor, I didn't get much sleep last night.." She said, the soft voice slipping past her lips in a forced kind of way. She hated speaking, especially in front of the people who hated her the most. Most days she refused to say a thing at school, the only time and place where she's free to let her voice go is at home, and that's it. Because home is the only place she feels safe and loved. Home is her solitude and her parents bring the best out of her.

The teacher just sighed heavily, his eyes flashing with utter disappointment as he simply shook his head. Walking back to the front of the classroom, he mumbled inaudible things under his breath, causing the students he passed to chuckle and giggle while looking over at her with disgust as judgment filled the deep pupils of their eyes.

Another sigh left her lips as she avoided the students stares, reaching a delicate hand up to fix her hair while attempting to cover her pointy ears with them. Her ears were the reason she was picked on so much. She was constantly called a freak because of them, kids telling her that she might as well run through the forest for the rest of her life since she looked like one of them. They always said it with such disgust, never getting within ten meters of her in fear that she would contaminate them with her "elf like looks". As if she'd been considered something that should be quarantined by her own classmates.

Her ears were the curse of her whole life.

The bells of heaven rung through the halls of hell as the students quickly packed up their stuff and rushed out of their classrooms against their teachers protests to wait, the halls quickly filling with demons. Relief ran through her veins as she too finally stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder, walking out of the classroom and attempting to get to the doors before anyone noticed her. But she was too slow. A hiss of slight pain filled her nerves as someone from behind her reached out to tug harshly at her pointy ears, twisting them before letting go and running off the other way, laughing as they did so. She sighed as she lifted her hands to rub her throbbing ears, frowning a bit as she watched the group run away before turning and finally making it out the large doors.


"Oh please, sweetie, would you stop with that nonsense already? You are not an elf." Her mother said with a heavy sigh as she looked over at Lilith, though Lilith saw the obvious flash of emotion spark through her mother's eyes as she did so. The same flash of emotion she always caught every time she brought up the fact that she looked like an elf. Brushing it off, Lilith bit her lip and nodded as her father walked through the doors of the kitchen, patting her shoulder as he walked past her.

"Don't listen to anything the kids say about you at school, sweetheart. You're beautiful no matter how your ears are shaped. I think they're pretty cool actually, it makes you unique." Her dad said, sending a playful wink her way. Lilith couldn't help but smile softly as she nodded and finally began eating the food on her plate that she'd been playing with for the past 7 minutes.

Her parents had always been beautiful in her eyes, inside and out. Her mother was always so wise, so smart and true to her words. She had beautiful chocolate brown locks that flowed down her back in soft waves, stopping just above her bottom. Her cheekbones were sharp, her eyes the color of the calming waves of the ocean and her skin always seemed so flawless, as if she'd never had a pimple or blemish in her life. Her father on the other hand was very playful, yet very protective and strong at the same time. His eyes were a bright green, and when you looked into them it seemed as if you were looking into a freshly grown evergreen. He had a sharp jawline, much like her mother's sharp cheek bones, and his face was always so happy and confident. Her parents were her role models in every way possible, and she loved them with everything she had, from the depths of her heart. Her parents were her everything.

After finishing the food on her plate, she stood and took it to the sink, rinsing it off before smiling softly as she turned to give her mother and father a kiss on the cheek. After bidding them goodnight with a hug and a few smiles and jokes, she made her way upstairs to her bedroom, where she dropped her bag into her closet and fell onto her bed, a soft smile playing on her features.

As Lilith drifted into the dream world, the last thought that played through her head was the very fact that she'd be turning 18 tomorrow, and she wasn't sure if she was ready for that or not.

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