Chapter 17

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The morning sun woke her from her very comfortable sleep, her eyes squinting from the bright light. Groaning softly, she slowly opened them and giggled to herself, realizing she'd slept the entire night with her familiars. With a soft sigh, Lilith sat up and stretched, making a noise in appreciation when she felt Olive sliding off of Ash's back and onto her shoulders; her tail resting on Liliths right hand and her small head resting on Liliths left. She grinned and pecked the top of her head before gently shaking Ash awake.

"Come on, buddy. Time to go home. I was out past curfew so I'm probably in big trouble right now." She giggled and Ash mewed in response before getting up slowly and stretching out his entire body. Lilith stood as well, climbing onto Ash's back as soon as he was done waking up. Ash nudged her leg affectionately with his nose before slowly walking back in the direction of the camp. The ride was long, but very relaxing. Lilith gazed at the trees they'd passed, watching as the leaves fell off of them, gliding to the ground. Watching as the flowers bloomed in her wake. It was breathtaking, and she wished it never had to end. But it did, unfortunately. Lilith was successful sneaking back into camp without being seen, but entering her cabin was a whole other story.

The moment the door shut a familiar, gorgeous blonde appeared from the hall, his eyes wide with worry and relief. Blinking, she was about to say something before Dallas's expression changed completely. Anger swam in his bright blue eyes, literally, taking Lilith off guard completely.

"Dallas what's-" She started before she was caught off with a fuming Dallas stomping towards her until he was right in front of her.

"Where the hell were you!? I waited here at your cabin last night to make sure you got home safely but you never did!" He started, his voice loud and booming, and frankly, it somewhat terrified her as well as irritated her. Who was he to yell at her for being out?

"Dallas I was-"

"Do you think that since you have all of these cool abilities that you can just wander the woods by yourself?! That you can protect yourself from the monsters lurking, waiting to feed on a half-breed!?" He continued, and Lilith's face grew redder by the second.

"You can't protect yourself enough to be out there alone, Lilith! Some other dangerous freak could have snatched you right up without any probl-"

"Dallas!" She yelled, cutting him off instantly. He stayed quiet, allowing her to speak, though she could tell he wasn't done considering she could clearly see his jaw clenching with anger. Lilith stepped closer to him, looking up at him with her eyes narrowed.

"I'm not a damn kid! I can take care of myself! I never asked for you to come protect me, my father did! And frankly, I don't need the protecting from you considering every time something happens, you're not there and I'm left to fend for myself!" She yelled, and she instantly regretted her words the moment she saw Dallas's face drop slightly, his eyes turning softer. Though she couldn't take it back, she was already too deep.

"I get you're just doing your job, Dallas. But don't treat me like I'm a child. I'm not your little sister." Lilith said, her eyes widening at her last words. That was too far. Dallas's eyes grew sad, hurt, angry as he stepped back. Lilith quickly shook her head and took a step towards him, immediately beginning to apologize.

"No-shit-Dallas I'm sorry I didn't mean-" She started but Dallas only turned around and began towards her door, but without stopping to say something.

"The moment your father gets back I'm done being your protector. I can't protect a filthy, bitchy, Elf." He said, disgust dripping from his voice. Lilith's eyes widened, her heart dropping in her stomach at his words, her mouth agape. But before she could respond, he was already out the door.

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