Chapter 19

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In Lilith's dream, she was wearing a loose, plain white dress that reached all the way down to her ankles. There was nothing special to it, it was a spaghetti strapped dress with a deep V-neck, revealing the milky skin between her breasts. Though she didn't mind it, it was comfortable. Looking around, she squinted her eyes in confusion as she took her surroundings in, before realization dawned on her; she was at the falls. The water seemed more beautiful than ever, not to mention the plants surrounding it were all in full bloom, making the area look even more alive.

Lilith's hair swayed with the soft wind, brushing lightly against her shoulders as she took a few, slow steps closer to the water.

Beautiful, isn't it? Lilith jumped in surprise, turning to face the direction of the voice. What she saw struck her with pure awe.

A woman, a very stunning, beautiful woman stood before her in the same exact dress Lilith wore, except her white hair was decorated with all kinds of flowers, giving her features even more of an exotic look.

Who..? Lilith started, slowly walking towards the woman.

My name is Nyla Dionne, I was the Queen of the High Fae Kingdom Drilan. The beautiful woman, Nyla, explained. Liliths eyes widened as she admired the gorgeous queen before her. Her body was built perfectly, hair as white as snow. She almost resembled the High Priestess Octavia, but the queen was far more beautiful. Her cheek bones were high and her lips plump, eyes glowing a bright, bright silver. So this is what pure Fae looked like.

Why..why am I here? Lilith asked, allowing her fingers to dance across a stray flower as she spoke, looking away from the beautiful queen before her.

Because I brought you here. You're currently in a state where your body is dying but your mind doesn't want to give up. I brought you here as a place of solitude to convince you that you need to push harder. Your work is not done in the real world yet. You have so much left to do, my young Fae, but so little time to do it.

Lilith blinked in shock, not saying anything for a second as she took in her words, panicking slightly.

Woah woah woah, you mean I'm dying? And what do I have left in the world for me? My parents are dead, your highness. They were taken from me... Lilith's eyes began to water as she dropped to her knees, realization hitting her as memories of what happened began to catch up.

I know dear, I know The queen moved to kneel in front of Lilith, cupping her face in her slender hands and pulling her face up to look at the beautiful woman.

You're strong, you will get through it. But right now you have many duties to fulfill, many lives to save. You must get back soon, my little Fae.

But why? Why me? The queen smiled softly and helped Lilith back up on her feet before pressing two fingers to the arrow tattoo on Liliths wrist.

Because you are the last living royal bloodline of the Dianne. You're only person who can complete this mission. Your blood is the key, Lilith.

Lilith blinked, her eyes widening. Does that mean- She pointed to herself, and then the queen, causing the queen to chuckle softly.

Yes my dear, you are my great great great grandchild. You are royalty, Lilith, which is why you are so much more stronger than any other species out there.

Lilith stayed quiet for a second, nodding as she bit her lip and played with her cuff, sighing sadly.

But I have nothing to go back to...everything I ever loved is being taken from me.. Lilith spoke softly, another tear sliding down her pale cheeks.

Not everyone, my dear. The queen gestured to the side of her and Lilith looked over. At first, she was shocked at what she was seeing, her bloody, lifeless body being carried to the infirmary bed where multiple healers surrounded her. She instantly noticed Dallas was the one who was carrying her, and her heart ached at the sight of him. His clothes and arms were covered in her blood, and his eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. She noticed him looking over at the heart monitor, and then cry out and fall to the floor as he buried his face in his hands. Scrunching her brows, she looked over at the monitor and her eyes widened, a gasp slipping past her lips; She'd flatlined.

How many...times..have I died? Lilith asked quietly, still staring at the real life scene playing before them.

This is your second flatline, you should probably get back before your mind and body give up all together.

Lilith nodded and stood up, looking back at the queen with a soft smile.

Thank you..and what..what mission am I supposed to complete? The queen smiled and caressed Liliths cheek lightly, before turning around and beginning to fade.

With time, little Fae, you will figure it out. Just remember, your blood is the key. And just like that, she was gone and the little world she was in began to fade as well until all that was left was darkness, and the last thing she heard was the slow beeping of a heart monitor.

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