Chapter 35

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Lilith woke with a start, gasping for air as if she'd been deprived of it. The entire surface of her head ached and the area behind her eyes burned as if she'd been crying for hours. Her ears were still ringing, just less aggressive than before, and her body felt slightly weak, but despite all this, the moment she was conscious she didn't waste another second. Lilith groaned, attempting to stand but hardly succeeding as she was pushed back down against the bed gently, taking her off guard.

"You really shouldn't be moving." A familiar, deep voice said from besides her. She quickly glanced over, her body relaxing ever so slightly at the sight of the comforting green eyes. She sighed, smiling softly at him for a brief second before finally taking a glance around the room. She was slightly surprised to find that she wasn't in an infirmary room like she had expected. Instead, she was laying in her own bed in her own room. Her familiars were laying beside her bed in their usual spot, curled up with one another.

"Where's James?" She finally asked, her throat rough and hoarse as she looked back towards Luke. He was sitting at the edge of her bed, looking down at her with pure concern laced through his gorgeous green eyes. He wore a pair of loose sweat pants and a tight t-shirt, and Lilith couldn't help but glance at the defined pair of abs hidden behind the fabric.

"He's in the living room talking with your parents. The infirmary is closed this time of night so we had to bring you here. You could imagine the scare you gave your parents when we brought you in all bloody."

"Bloody?" She raised her brow at him, sitting up a little to give her legs a bit of a stretch. He nodded, turning towards her with his eyebrows furrowed, confusion written all over his features.

"Yeah, when we found you, your eyes were bleeding and you had blood spilling out of your mouth and ears; worried the crap out of me and James. What happened out there, Lilith? Did someone attack you?" Lilith shook her head, sighing as she rubbed her temples in attempt to ease some of the pain pounding through her skull.

"No, I wasn't attacked, I wasn't even in any danger. But, in order to explain it, I need James here as well. It's kind of a complicated story, I'm not even sure if I fully understand what happened yet." Luke sighed, staring at her for a slight second before nodding and moving to stand up.

"Come on, I'll help you to the living room." He spoke softly, making his way towards her side of the bed. She nodded and kicked her feet over the side of the bed, looking up at Luke as she gently grabbed the hand he held out for her.

"Thank you." She said softly, her head getting slightly woozy from standing. He smiled at her and nodded, not taking her eyes off of her own for a good moment, causing her cheeks to heat up ever so slightly. After a moment, he cleared his throat, breaking the silence in the air as he finally looked away from her. She blinked, clearing her throat as well as she looked down at her feet, which were now placed firmly on the ground.

"Can you walk on your own?" He asked softly, concern lacing his velvety voice. She smiled lightly and nodded, pushing down the blush that had made its way to her cheeks as she reluctantly let go of his hand.

"Yeah, I think I'm okay." She said, glancing at her familiars who seemed to stir awake at the feel of her presence. He nodded and moved to open the door for her, allowing her to slowly make her way out of her room and towards the living area. She felt a little shaky as she did so, her knees wobbling ever so slightly, but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

"Lilith? What are you doing up? You should be resting.." The familiar, soft voice of her mother spoke as she finally entered her living area. The moment she looked at her mom, her heart began to ache, remembering what had happened just hours before. She couldn't help the tears that had sprung in her eyes as she quickly moved towards her mother, engulfing her in a tight bear hug despite the pain in her head screaming for her to sit down.

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