Chapter 27

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Lilith woke with a start, panting heavily, eyes wide as the images of her nightmare faded before her conscious eyes. She sat there for a minute, letting her body adjust to being awake as she calmed herself down, swallowing thickly. After finally coming to, she looked to her side and realized Dallas wasn't there anymore, but it also wasn't dark anymore. The suns rays peered through her shades, brightening her room slightly and allowing her to see more easily.

Letting out a soft noise, she slowly sat up and looked around, running her fingers through her nappy, pure white locks. The room was big, but it was a lot more empty than she originally thought it was. The room only had the large white dresser across from her bed, which was also large, a matching nightstand and a small white fluffy chair situated next to the balcony window. She expected more for a castle if she was being honest, but she didn't dwell on it. Slowly, she threw her legs over the side of the bed, wincing at the cold feel of the wood floor pressing against her soles. As if feeling her presence, Ash slowly woke up, yawning and turning his head towards her before stretching and standing, pressing his head against her cheek. She giggled softly and gently grabbed onto his fur, using it to support herself as she stood. Her knees wobbled for a second, but she automatically recovered. She could feel the strength in her legs were better than yesterday, but she still wasn't able to walk on her own.

"I wonder if they brought anything for me to wear.." She spoke softly, Ash huffing in response and causing her to giggle once more. As if on cue, she heard a soft hiss in the corner of the room by the fluffy chair, causing her to look over at it. Olive was perched up on a bag sitting on the floor next to the chair, and she couldn't help but smile at the scaly animal.

"Thanks love." She spoke softly to the snake as she slowly made her way to the bag, with Ash's help of course, and beckoned Olive to her hand, who in turn laid her small head on her palm. Lilith smiled and kissed Olives head gently, before moving to open the bag. In it contained new under garments she'd never seen before, therefore they definitely weren't hers, but they looked brand new. With them was a plain tan dress* that stopped just above her knees and plain black thigh highs*. Nodding in approval, she slowly stood and began changing into the dress, using Ash as support every once in a while which he gladly gave. Once she was finally finished getting dressed, Olive happily slithered up her leg, wrapping herself around it as well as her lower hips, causing Lilith to smile softly down at her.

"Ready guys?" She asked softly, looking at the large cat and down at her snake, watching as they shifted in response. Nodding once more, she took a deep breath and gently gripped onto Ash's fur, allowing him to guide her out of the door and into the large white hallway she was in just the night before.

She wandered for a while, trying to find anyone that striked her as familiar, but only one or two people passed by her in the long, never ending hall. After a few more long minutes, chatter finally began to fill her ears and she instantly picked up her pace(not really, she could only walk so fast in her condition) and made her way towards the noise. No more than 30 seconds later, she arrived at a large room filled with a few elves she'd never met before. They looked like warriors, but not quite guards or soldiers yet. None of them were familiar to her though, which caused her heart to sink into her stomach once more. Taking a deep breath, she began to move through the room and towards another hall on the other end when she realized the room had grown quiet and all eyes were on her. It made her uncomfortable, and she somewhat dropped her head slightly, but before she could reach the door, a male Elf stepped in front of her, staring at her in disgust.

"Well isn't it the halfbreed. You're not welcome here, Fae." He spat, taking a step towards her before instantly retreating a few steps when Ash stepped forward and growled deeply while Olive hissed from around her waist. Lilith swallowed thickly and gently caressed her familiars fur, causing him to step back once more, though his stance was still protective.

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