Chapter 3

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"Lil- Lilith!"

Faint, but she could hear it. The pain within her mother's sweet voice as she yelled her name.

But why did she seem so far away?

Mom...? She wanted to call, but nothing came out, not even a noise.

"Jake! Jake quick! Lilith is- Oh god Lilith!" Her mother called out.

"What is it Ameli- Lilith!" Her father called, but he too seemed so far away.

Guys, I'm okay. She tried, but just like last time, nothing came out.

And that's when she realized that she couldn't see anything. Everything was dark, so dark she couldn't see her hands. But then again, she couldn't move either.

She then felt the brush of strong arms lift her up, and the moment she felt the warmth of her father's embrace, she fell into a deep sleep.


Wind swept through her hair, brushing against her shoulders and caressing her skin.

Why was it so windy?

"We should have told her..we should have told her sooner, Jake..." She recognized the voice almost instantly, and she wanted to reach out to it, she wanted to be closer to it.

"I told you, Amelia...I warned you years ago that something like this would happen if we kept it from her. " Her father said, his tone laced with worry and guilt.

What happened?

The sound of her parents voice seemed as if they were out of breath, which lead her to the conclusion that they were running, which is why it had seemed so windy.

But running to where? And why?

"I-I know...but.." Her mother started, but her father had cut her off.

"We can talk about this later, hun. But right now all we need to worry about is getting her to the camp. To safety." Her mother seemed to agree, because nothing had been said after that.

Falling prey to the sweet caress of the wind, her body allowed the deep sleep to envelop her yet again.


A soft groan slipped past her lips, her throat hoarse and her body stiff and aching. Her eyes squeezed for a moment, trying to keep the bright light from seeping through her eyelids, before slowly allowing them to open. At first, all she saw was light, blurry light, and she couldn't help but think that she was dead.

That was until her vision came into focus and she was staring at the ceiling of what she assumed was a log cabin.

Where am I..? She thought as she swallowed thickly, wincing a bit as the action hurt her already sore throat. Blinking a few times, she slowly turned her head, trying to figure out where she was, but the action caused her to groan in pain once more.

Her head was pounding as if someone had hit her with a brick.

A whimper left her lips, panic finding its way into her system.

Where am I? How did I get here? Was I..kidnapped?

Her breathing began to quicken, her eyes growing wide as she sat up, head reeling with pain and nausea. But that wasn't going to stop her from getting up and stumbling to the wooden door not to far from the bed she'd been laying on. She was scared, terrified. She had no idea where she was or how she'd gotten there, but all she knew was she had to get out of there before some pervert decided to attack her.

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