Chapter 12

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It took Lilith a good minute to find her first class, trying to go off of memory instead of the confusing map Maria had given her the night before. When she did find her class, though, she was surprised to see there weren't as many students in the room as she expected, and she was slightly thankful for that. Walking in, she attempted a friendly smile towards some of her classmates before turning towards the trainer and watching as he pushed some of the wrestling mats to the side to create room.

"All right, today will be quite easy considering it is the first day. We'll introduce ourselves first, then, one by one, I'll test each of your skills by having a short hand-to-hand combat with each of you." He said, his tone confident and determined. Looking at the man, Lilith couldn't help but realize just how much he reminded her of her dad, aside from the fact that her trainer had tattoos and was slightly bigger than him muscle wise. But the tone in his voice and the way he held himself reminded her of the way her dad spoke and held himself when he was talking to the camp or one of the clan leaders.

"Alright, we'll start from the right and go to the left, then I'll introduce myself once you all are finished." He said, stepping back as he looked at the first girl in the line, just a couple of feet before her. The girl introduced herself shyly, and then looked at the girl beside her who introduced herself confidently, like polar opposites. As they each introduced themselves, Lilith prepared to speak as the boy beside her spoke. He was loud and seemed happy, yet his features screamed high school jock. Once he was finished, he looked at Lilith and beamed brightly at her, throwing her a little off guard.

"My name is Lilith Sagewater, I'm the daughter of the Sagewater chief." She spoke softly, surprised that her voice sounded more confident than she felt. The girl next to her introduced herself as Lilith let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

Once they were done introducing each other, the hand-to-hand combat began, and Lilith watched in awe as the trainer dodged kicks and punches with ease. Though, the students in the room didn't seem very familiar with hand-to-hand combat in the first place, so it probably was easy for the trainer to dodge and block attacks thrown at him.

Once it was her turn, Lilith forced herself to remember everything she'd learned in her martial arts class years ago, though she was a little nervous that her body wouldn't remember the moves.

"Ahh, the famous Lilith Sagewater. I've honestly been looking forward to seeing what you can do. " Leo, the trainer, spoke as he grinned at her and wiped some sweat from his forehead. She laughed lightly and shook her head, stretching her arms out for a moment.

"I'll probably disappoint, so don't get your hopes too high." She said jokingly as she chuckled lightly, before taking her stance.

"Ready." He said, also getting into stance. The moment he said go, Lilith's leg was out, nearly hitting him in the waist before he grabbed her leg and attempted to throw her on the ground. Catching herself easily, she flipped backwards, nearly landing a solid kick in his chest as she did so. Once she was back on her feet, she almost didn't notice the punch aiming towards her face. Taking in a deep breath, she caught the fist, her heart pumping as her body recognized the moves she'd learned years before. Gripping the fist, she jolted it towards her as her knee came up, and the hit to Leo's chest would have hurt more than it did if it wasn't for the fact that he'd jumped back before he could feel the full impact of the hit. Panting softly, they went on like that for a while, and Lilith almost completely forgot that they were in a room with other students her age, watching them with surprise until the sound of a bell rang throughout the room, signaling the class had ended. Lowering her leg, she looked around and watched as the students left the room, before looking back at the trainer with a soft laugh. It felt good to move like that again, she felt free. Leo beamed at her and handed her a towel, which she happily accepted and began wiping her sweaty face with it.

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