Chapter 11

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The room grew uncomfortably silent at Dallas's words, and Lilith couldn't help but note the paleness of her father's face at his words.

"I'm sorry, but could you please explain what that means?" James spoke, his brows furrowed in confusion. Dallas opened his mouth to speak, but her father shot him a look, causing Dallas to close his mouth once more.

"Chiefs, if I could speak with you all alone. You too Dallas. Everyone else, please proceed with your classes and tours. Now." Her father spoke quite loudly before looking at Lilith, worry painting his features.

"I will talk to you later on tonight, for now just get through with choosing your classes and try and ignore the cuff." He said. She blinked and bit her lip before nodding, hiding her arm behind her back as if self conscious of the cuff around her wrist. She felt like a freak. Her father turned to Maria and smiled reassuringly at her.

"Please take care of her and try not to bring up what just happened. Thank you." He said, and she nodded and smiled, bowing towards her father before turning towards Lilith once more and gently taking her cuff-free hand.

"Come on, let's get the class portion now." She said. Lilith nodded and they both headed out towards the back out of the large cabin and into an even larger cabin. This cabin looked almost exactly like a small school, with classroom doors lining the halls as well as a few wooden lockers here and there.

"Alright, first things first, you did mention on your sheet that you were familiar with martial arts, so that's the first department we will go to." Maria said with a bright smile, directing Lilith passed a few campers and down a few halls before stopping in front of an open door. Lilith peeked inside of the room, stuffing her cuffed hand into her pocket as she did so. The room was quite large, and there were some wrestling mats lying around here and there. The room somewhat resembled the small gym she would go to when she trained for martial arts.

"This is our hand-to-hand combat main classroom, this will be your first class on your schedule, perfect to get your body pumping and going for the rest of the day. Now, follow me and we'll find your second class, which won't be as tiring as the first, I promise." Maria said, giggling slightly as she lead her down a few more halls.

This was repeated a few more times, and she ended up getting a full schedule with 7 classes, all 50 minutes long. Meeting the teachers and getting to take a look around the school took longer than actually building her schedule, and by the time they were all done, the sun was setting.

Maria had lead her back to the first cabin where she handed her a sheet with her classes on it as well as the time each class started. She also handed Lilith a map to make it easier for her to find her classes.

"Hopefully the map isn't too confusing, I tried to make it as simple as possible." Maria said, nodding towards the map in her hand. Lilith smiled softly and nodded, looking over the papers in her hand before glancing back up at Maria.

"Thank you, Maria. I really appreciate this." Lilith said softly, and Maria seemed to beam at her words.

"You don't talk much, I've noticed, so hearing you speak is honestly really heart warming. And you are very welcome, but it is my job so no need to thank me too much." Maria said with a reassuring laugh. Lilith's cheeks warmed a little at the mention of her lack of speech, but she pushed it back and smiled a little brighter.

"I know, but even with what happened earlier, you still helped me. So thank you." Lilith said, smiling slightly more at the female before her, who seemed to glance at her hidden arm with the mention of the scene that took place just an hour before. But Maria looked away just as quickly and moved in to give Lilith a large hug, tighter than the one she'd been given at the beginning of the day.

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