Chapter 33

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The next day started out slow, not to mention she slept in for quite a while. It was the weekend, therefore classes weren't held today, so Lilith debated on staying in all day or heading to the falls, but neither choice seemed appealing to her. She wanted to do something, needed something new to distract her.

She laid in bed for a while, tracing her Kitsune tattoo as she stared up at the ceiling, thinking about anything and everything. She went over all of her abilities in her head, and what needs to be worked on the most. She also went over purchasing familiar gear at the local weapons shop somewhere in the center of the camp. Considering her familiars were in her battles and trainings more and more, she knew she'd have to get armor and gear for them sooner or later.

"Lilith, honey, you have guests." Her mother called from the other side of the door, knocking gently. Lilith blinked and looked towards her closed door, before sighing as she slowly sat up, running her hands through her nappy white hair.

"Be out in a sec." She called back after a minute, listening for her soft footsteps padding away from the door before slowly lifting herself out of the comforts of her bed.

Getting ready in the morning was easy considering she was very fond of every outfit in her closet therefore she could just pick a random one and be satisfied with it.

And that's exactly what she did.

With a sigh, she quickly got ready, doing her morning business and slipping on her outfit* before braiding her hair to the side, pulling out a few stray strands to frame her face. Once she was finished with that, she slipped a few throwing knives in her thigh holsters, something she kept with her every day just in case, and with a final look in the mirror she opened her door and left her room, her familiars following closely behind her.

"Who is it?" She called from the hallway as she made her way to the kitchen, grabbing out a raw steak for Ash and placing it on the floor in front of him.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" A familiar, soft yet wise voice said from the couch in her living room. Lilith blinked and quickly looked up from Ash, smiling widely at the High Priestess standing in her home.

"Octavia." She said with a grin as she quickly moved towards her, embracing her as Octavia happily returned the embrace.

"I'm glad to see you're doing well, Lilith. I'm also glad to see your parents awake and healthy." Octavia said as they pulled away, smiling at Lilith before turning to look at her parents with a firm nod.

"What brings you here?" Lilith said as she leaned down for a second to allow Venom to crawl into her hand while Olive slithered up her leg and onto her hip.

"I was given word that a few weeks ago someone almost lost control. Is that true?" Octavia replied, sternly as she raised a thin brow at Lilith. She sighed softly and nodded, standing straight once more as she looked back at the High Priestess.

"It is, it won't happen again, I was caught in a moment of weakness." Lilith said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes, it will not happen again and I will ensure that, which brings me to why I am here today." Octavia cleared her throat as she continued to speak.

"I have with me Theodas and a few other warriors that are in one of your training fields as we speak. We are going to learn how to control it today, so that in the future if something does happen you know what to do when it comes out." Lilith's eyes widened at her words as she bit her lip nervously.

"I can't not in camp, to many people and to big of a risk." Lilith said, worry laced in her voice.

"This is the only place to train, honey." Her father said from the other side of Octavia, his arms also crossed over his chest. Lilith sighed and shook her head.

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