Chapter 2

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When she woke up the next morning she wasn't expecting her head to feel as if it were being split open with a dull hammer. A soft groan of pain left her lips as she laid still for a moment, buried in the soft, warm feeling of her covers. With a huff, Lilith carefully sat up, squinting her eyes as they adjusted to the painful light before finally rolling out of bed and making her way to the closet in search for an outfit that would suit her and the hell she would be going to for 8 hours of her day.

After finally deciding on her clothes, she made her way to the bathroom, turning on the shower and brushing out her hair before turning to the mirror placed on the wall above her sink. What she saw stopped her heart almost completely as her hair brush slipped out of her hands, her bright green eyes widening and her mouth gaping open.

It wasn't the fact that she was a bit paler than normal, or that her eyes seemed to glow and her hair seemed whiter than the day before. It was the fact that smack dab in the middle of her forehead, just above the spot between her eyebrows, was a mark. The mark was an emerald green color, and it had a slight glow to it. It was in the shape of a lotus, the ends of the petals curling just a bit. It almost seemed to move, as if it were a real lotus dancing in the wind.

She was terrified, her hands were shaking and the pain in her head increased even more as her breath became shallow and quick. Swallowing thickly, she moved to turn off the shower before grabbing her makeup and beginning to attempt to cover it up with foundation and concealer. She even tried to make it look as if it were a bruise, but everything she tried was washed away by the glow of the mark. Groaning in frustration, she turned and rummaged through her drawers before grabbing out a bandanna and tying it around her head, covering the mark completely.

A slight sigh of relief slipped past her lips as she stared at herself, biting her lip nervously. She had no idea what the mark was or what it meant or how it even got there in the first place, and it terrified her to the point where she was tempted to run to her parents crying and begging them to tell her what's wrong with her. But she fought the urge to say a word about the thing on her forehead to her parents or anyone for that matter. She'd decided that she'd go to school like normal and go through the day with the bandanna wrapped around her forehead and when she came home, she'd confront her parents about it. With a heavy, deep, and slightly scared breath, she nodded firmly and quickly got changed in her clothes, not even bothering to do her hair or makeup.

Rushing down the stairs, she gave her parents a kiss on the cheek before grabbing her bag and rushing out the door without a word, scared that her parents would stop her and confront her.

Apparently she hadn't thought anything through. As soon as she'd arrived at school, everyone she passed gave her weird looks. Weirder than she was used to. It made her head spin as she tried to hide her face behind her white hair.

Kids giggled and laughed as they pointed at the bandanna on her head, one of the kids even attempted to take it off if it wasn't for the fact that she ducked just in time and zoomed to her homeroom class.

The day dragged on slower than she liked, and the pain in her head increased more and more with the passing hour. It seemed like forever when the bell finally rung, signaling the end of classes for the day. With a happy and relieved sigh, she threw her things in her bag and attempted to run out of the school as fast as she could, but she was too slow. One of the girls who'd picked on her the most grabbed her arm and threw her against the lockers, her friends trailing behind her as she grabbed Lilith's hair and pulled it.

"What's under that ugly bandanna of yours, freak? Are you hiding something?" She questioned, her minty breath hitting Lilith's cheek. Lilith cleared her throat and glared at the female, attempting to pull her hand away without showing the pain she was currently experiencing. Why did she have to pick on her? Didn't she have something better to do like giving her boy toy a hand job?

"Nothing that concerns you." Lilith snarled. The female just laughed and tugged her hair tighter, before grabbing the bandanna and ripping it off of her head. Lilith's heart stopped as she attempted to hide the mark on her forehead, but it was too late. Squeals of horror left the girl's lips as she let go of her, causing Lilith to stumble with wide and frightened eyes.

"Y-You are an elf! You freak!" The female yelled in horror before landing a solid kick in her gut, causing Lilith to fall to the floor and hit her already throbbing head on the hard surface. Her vision instantly went foggy, black spots forming at the corner of her eyesight as she attempted to blink them away. When she'd finally come to, a deep groan of utter pain left her lips as she slowly sat up, holding her stomach. The kick was quite brutal for a snotty cheerleader in heels. It hurt like a bitch and caused blood to drip from the corner of her mouth. After a moment of collecting herself, she slowly looked back up, expecting to see the snotty girl still standing there, but they were long gone and it was just her sitting alone in the empty halls of the school.

It took her a while to finally gain the strength to stand, holding onto the lockers by her for support as she draped her bag over her shoulder. The walk back home was excruciating, painful, and very very long. The air seemed hotter than what it actually was, the sun seemed abnormally bright, and her skin was tingling painfully all over, especially around her mark. When she'd finally made it up the door of her home, she collapsed, panting heavily and whimpering as she attempted to ease the pain in her body, but it was all too much. With a weak call of her parents name, she'd tumbled down the few steps of her porch stairs, landing with a hard thud at the bottom as the pain enveloped her, knocking her into the depth of unconsciousness.

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