Chapter 16

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The next few days were slow, and somewhat dreadful. She had to attend classes again but could not participate in anything physical, which means she couldn't spar in her favorite class or practice her abilities or shoot her bow. It was annoying but she knew she couldn't do anything about it. Dallas hadn't been at her cabin despite the invite from her father to keep her safe, so she simply assumed he was lurking in shifter form, keeping watch from a distance. She didn't want to admit it to herself or anyone else, but she was disappointed that she was spending her nights alone. Well, not fully alone. While she was home or wandering the camp, Ash was with her, keeping her safe and close. While she was at classes, Olive was with her, hiding beneath her clothing to protect her considering Ash was too big to be allowed on school grounds. And at night while she was home, they were both with her, and she felt safe with them by her side.

5 days had gone by and she was informed that her parents mission would be extended a little longer, though they wouldn't give her an exact time, meaning she would continue to be alone at home for a while. Sighing softly, she nodded and thanked Shaka, the Silverluna chief. Shaka was a dark skinned, large man. He was very intimidating on the outside, but very caring on the in. He nodded and exited her cabin, closing the door behind him. Sighing softly, she slipped her last glove on her hand before turning to glance at herself in the mirror. She wore* something a little less revealing today. It was a full black bodysuit, hugging all of her curves perfectly. The bodysuit included a belt resting on her hips, and both thighs to hold small weapons she picked up in her time at the camp. It also came with a black hooded crop shirt, covering the upper part of her chest all the way down until just below her breasts. The hooded shirt was long sleeved and was accented with the gloves on her wrists, hiding her cuff. And to top it all off, she wore loose, leather boots. They weren't thigh high, they ended mid-calf. The boots had belts on them also, but they were just for show. Inside the boots though were little pockets and straps to hold weapons in case she needed more. But in this case, she didn't, so she didn't have weapons in her boots. Taking in a deep breath, she nodded in approval and let her hair down for the first time since she'd been at camp. Her long, white hair flowed onto her back in waves, and her front strands fell over and in front of her pointed ears, caressing the sides of her cheeks and accentuating her features. Smiling, she turned and walked over to Olive's cage, opening it up and allowing her to slither out and fall to the ground, only to crawl onto her leg and wrap herself all the way around until she reached her hip. It was perfect for her, she blended in with the black body suit perfectly. Nodding, Lilith then walked over to the sleeping lion in the living room and leaned down to peck its nose, causing the large cat to huff.

"Come on, boy. Let's get you outside so you can hunt while I'm at school." I say lightly to it while patting its head. The lion huffed once more before yawning and stretching to a stand. Lilith stood straight and opened the back door, giving the lion one more kiss on its head before watching it take off into the woods. She giggled and smiled in the direction it took off in, before walking out and closing the door behind her. As she turned to walk in the direction of her school, she noticed something moving in the trees behind her. Squinting, she looked closer, but before she could figure out what it was, she was startled by a voice. Jumping, she turned back around and almost called her weapon at the sight of a former enemy, before forcing herself to remember that he was no longer the enemy.

"Quite jumpy aren't we?" Luke said in amusement. Lilith rolled her eyes and huffed, moving to continue walking in the direction of her school.

"Why does everyone sneak up on me." She mumbled. Luke chuckled and fell into step beside her, and Lilith couldn't help but notice that he looked better than she expected him to.

"I see you're recovering well. They let you off the hook?" She asked, glancing down at Olive as she adjusted herself for a second only to hiss up at Luke. She mentally shushed the snake and smiled as it rested its head back on her hip.

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